Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The Aravalli Range, one of the oldest mountain ranges of the 
world stretches itself from northern Gujarat to central Rajasthan 
states of India, running through more than 700 km. distance and 
covering nearly 40,000 sq. km. area to separate *"Thar', the 
Great Indian Desert from the eastern plain land. The study area 
(latitude N23°30’- N26°18” and longitude E72°24"-E74°36") 
comprises of about 25,000 km? of the main block of the Aravalli 
Range (Figure 1). The terrain exhibits a semi-arid climate with 
high heat flow during summer. 
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Figure 1 
Rainfall occurs mainly during June — September through the 
monsoon wind: non-monsoon rainfall is limited and irregular. 
Therefore, water resources, vegetation and agriculture are under 
control of the monsoon. The ground water condition in this 
terrain varies from place to place due to variations in soil, 
lithology, land-use, geomorphology, topography and climatic 
conditions. Gneiss and schist covers most parts in the north, 
central and southeast of the terrain, whereas phyllites and 
phyllitic-schist is dominant in the south, southcentral and some 
pockets of the eastern Aravalli. Western part of the terrain is 
composed mainly of granite and quartzite along with calcite- 
schist as the subordinate rock type (DST, 1994). The normal 
water table depth also varies in different lithologic domains. In 
general, ground water fluctuates seasonally within the range of 
5m to 20 m (GWD, 2000). In the Aravalli region, agricultural 
activities are influenced and controlled by rainfall and 
availability of water resources. Monsoon crops or Kharif crops 
are cultivated during June to September whereas winter crops or 
Rabi crops are sewed in the middle of October and harvested in 
March. In many parts of the region, summer crops and 
vegetables are cultivated during March — May depending upon 
availability of water. Double cropping is practiced in some parts 
whereas many pockets have uncultivated fallow land. 
In the present paper, spatiotemporal patterns of seasonal 
drought indicated through meteorological, hydrological, and 
vegetative parameters have been discussed. Analysis has been 
carried out by dividing the year into two main seasons — the 
monsoon and the non-monsoon or pre-monsoon since drought 
in the study area is a function of the monsoon rainfall. The 
monsoon period consists of four months from June to 
September while non-monsoon or pre-monsoon period is 
constituted of the months, intermediate of two successive 
monsoon periods. Thus, the non-monsoon 1984 - 85 or the pre- 
monsoon 1985 consists of the months October — December of 
1984 and January — May of 1985 and so on. The term "non- 
monsoon’ has been used for meteorological and vegetative 
drought analysis since they incorporate all the non-monsoon 
months. On the other hand, the term ‘pre-monsoon’ has been 
used for hydrological drought analysis since ground water level 
is measured twice a year, once before the commencement of the 
monsoon and again after the termination of the monsoon. 
2.1 Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) 
In order to analyse the impact of rainfall deficiency on drought 
development in this terrain, SPI has been used to quantify the 
precipitation deficit in the monsoon and the non-monsoon 
periods since 1984 up to 2000. The SPI is calculated using the 
following equation, written as 
where, X; is the seasonal precipitation at the ith rain-gauge 
station and jth observation, X;, is its long-term seasonal mean 
and oc is its standard deviation. 
Although McKee et al., (1995) in the original classification 
scheme proposed ‘mild drought’ for SPI values less than 0.00, 
in the modified SPI classification scheme of Agnew (1999), 
there is a straight jump from ‘no drought’ to ‘moderate 
drought’. In the present study, SPI maps have been classified 
using the modified scheme of Agnew (1999) to represent 
various hydro-meteorological drought intensities, however, 
‘mild drought’ has been recognised corresponding to the SPI 
values less than -0.50, which has a probability of occurrence 
0.309 (Agnew, 1999). Seasonal normals of 35 years (1966 — 
2000) have been used for calculation of SPI. Instead of 
averaging anomalies for the entire terrain, SPI has been 
computed separately for each of the 35 rain-gauge stations 
falling within and around the study area. Since drought is a 
regional phenomenon, SPI values of the rain-gauge stations 
have been interpolated using Spline interpolation technique in 
Arc view 3.2a GIS to demarcate its spatial extent. 
2.2 Standardised Water level Index (SWI) 
For hydrological drought analysis, examination of stream-flow 
statistics and run series analysis is the widely used technique. 
However, since the streams and channels of the Aravalli terrain 
are dry for most of the time and since domestic and agricultural 
activities are solely dependent on ground water resources, 
monitoring and analysis of water table fluctuation has been 
considered for hydrological drought analysis. In order to 
monitor hydrological drought in the Aravalli terrain, the pre- 
monsoon and post-monsoon ground water levels of 541 wells of 
the region have been analysed. SWI has been developed to scale 
the ground water recharge deficit. The SWI expression stands as 
SWI = (Wi Wim)! 6 (2) 

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