International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
the other hand diameter of more than 45% of
the particles was between 0.1 and 9 micrometer.
These particles may undergo Mie scattering in
the channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 of MODIS. The rest
of particles may have Nonselective scattering.
As a result, assumption of a Lambertian
reflection for those samples, with low wind
speed conditions and high SSC is reasonable.
Of course, those cases where the light is
specularly reflected to the sensor is excluded.
It is found that at low tide situation (flood), the
particle size distribution is more toward higher
values and as a result an increase of reflections
in channels 1, 2 and 4 were detected.
Table (2) shows compositions content
detected in sediment samples. As it shows
almost all sediment constituents are translucent
to the visible and near infrared portion of the
sun spectrum. Most of these compositions may
be found in building materials and/or minerals.
3- Results and Discussions
Fig. (3) shows spectral reflectance of the
sediment constituent compositions, where the
center bands of the first 7 MODIS channels are
also shown. For three channels 1, 2 and 4 that
their sensitivities to the sediments are
presumed, eight of compositions have
reflectance more than 0.80. This reflectance had
more influence on the aforementioned channel’s
output when the surface sample density was
higher. Reflectance in channel 3 that is centered
at 0.47p, and is strongly scattered by the
atmosphere constituents, was weakly affected
by these compositions and cannot be suitable
for SSC detection. In channels 5, 6 and 7,
composition’s reflectance decreases gradually
but is not ignorable when the surface sample
density is high. This brought some difficulties
in the deployment of Rong-Rong, et al., (2003)
method especially for channels 5 and 6.
Channel 7 due to strong absorption by water
and sediment particles (Fig. 3), was much less
affected by the sediment. This means that four
channels 3, 5, 6 and 7 did not make straight line
in all cases as presumed by Rong-Rong Li, et
al. 2003. The linear fit to these channels
reflectance had correlation coefficients ranging
as low as 0.15 for higher densities and as high
as 0.999 for lower density values. This ma
1.0} ‘Chi | a
- cn.3Ch4l Ch.2 "h,16 Ch.!7
A e
0.06 WONT WER ede
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 25 3.0
Albite <n'ivdrite Calcite Chlorite Gypsum
Muscovite « Halite
Fig. (3) Reflectance curves of the sediment's constituents
(Courtesy of USGS)
cs 9 R 2
eom R 8
Un dt] He ee
: ]
006 t
«| - bor
f 0.86
Fig. (4) Reflectance difference between calculated by the
Rong-Rong Li, et al., 2003 method and measured by the
MODIS channels 1, 2 and 4.
p (Measured - Calculated)
enables one in estimation of higher surface SSC
values by using channels 5 and 6 reflectance.
The difference of the calculated
reflectance by the Rong-Rong Li, et al., 2003
method and the one extracted from MODIS data
(Ap)in channels 1, 2 and 4, for all samples
were shown in Fig. (4). Negative values are for
higher densities. Channel 4 (centered at 0.55p)
has lesser negative values, which means it has
better correlation with densities of different
values. Channel 1 (0.66 u) has more negative
values that means it has less deviated from the
straight line produced by channels 3, 5, 6 and 7
for higher density values and consequently is
less correlated with them. Channel2 (0.8611) has