Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
vegetation cover method of Valor and Caselles (1995). Albedo, 
land surface temperature, emissivity, and vegetation index 
(NDVI), in conjunction with land surface in-situ observed data 
and atmospheric PBL data, are applied within the surface 
energy balance system model (SEBS) to calculate the actual 
evapotranspiration. The needed PBL (Planetary Boundary 
Layer) data for calculating sensible heat flux (see Section 2.1.3) 
include PBL height (m), PBL wind speed (m/s), PBL relative 
humidity, PBL potential air temperature (K), PBL air pressure 
(Pa) and surface air pressure (Pa) and were obtained by tether 
balloon sounding or radiosonde. 
In order to check whether the SEBS model is acceptable for 
estimating daily actual evapotranspiration or not, we compared 
ground station-measured evaporation with SEBS mode- 
estimated evaporation for non-vegetative (i.e., no transpiration) 
land surface. Two places, Yongjing weather station near 
Liujiaxia reservoir and Qianyang weather station near 
Fengjiashan reservoir, are selected for ET verification. 
Liujiaxia Reservoir, about 5 km away from Yongjing weather 
station, covers an area of 130 km?. Hongjiashan reservoir, 3 km 
away from Qianyang station covers an area of 10 km”. 
According to the observational data from these two weather 
stations, conversion factor of evaporation from 0.2-m diameter 
pan to 5-m diameter pan is 0.469. We assume that the 5-m 
diameter evaporation pan reasonably represents the reservoir 
evaporation condition. That is 
E, = E, =0.469*E,, (22) 
where E. is reservoir actual ET, E; ET of 5-m pan, Fos ET 
of 0.2-m pan. The data from the tow stations are available for 
the entire year of 2002 and one day per month for the year 
(totally 12 days from 12 months corresponding the remote 
sensing data dates) was selected for the purpose of ET 
verification. Table 1 shows that the absolute errors between the 
estimated values and observation values of these two places are 
relatively small, varying from —0.43 to 0.88. The relative errors 
are mostly less than 20%. 
Table 1, Figs.4 and 5 demonstrate that the SEBS model- 
estimated values for the Liujiaxia and Fengjiashan Reservoira 
are in reasonably good agreement with the station-measured 
values at the nearby weather stations, suggesting that the remote 
sensing-aided SEBS modeling can achieve an acceptable level 
of accuracy in estimating actual evapotranspiration in semiarid 
Our experimental study to estimate ET in the Western Chinese 
Loess Plateau shows that an acceptable estimation of ET in 
semi-arid area can be achieved at regional scales by using 
NOAA/AVHRR data-derived parameters as the input variables 
in simulating the surface energy balance. The spatial 
distribution of the estimated ET shows that ET is the highest in 
the well-vegetated high elevations and major water bodies 
(white and pink areas in Fig 3), intermediate in hilly plateau 
areas (green and blue areas in Fig. 3), and the lowest in low- 
elevation valleys and basins and also in northern desert areas 
(black areas in Fig. 3). The regional-scale distribution shows 
that ET in the western Chinese Loess Plateau is primarily 
determined by vegetation coverage, which is in turn determined 
by soil water availability. This study suggests that the spatial 
distribution in ET is primary modulated by the temperature 
difference and humidity difference between land surface and 
nearly surface atmosphere. The results show that in the areas 
where soil moisture is higher and vegetation coverage is better, 
the energy transfer between land surface and nearly surface 
atmosphere is accomplished through latent heat flux, while in 
the lowlands where soil moisture is lower and vegetation 
coverage is poorer, the energy transfer is primary through 
sensible heat flux. 
This research is financially supported by a grant from “The 
Project of Retrieving Remote Sensing Key Land Parameters” of 
“Hi-tech Research and development program of China, 863 
program"(Grant No.:2001AA135110) and "Key Teacher 
Program" of the Chinese Education Ministry to Feng Zhaodong 
(Lanzhou University, 2000) on his project: "Watershed 
Hydrology and Landscape Ecology in the Gansu Loess Plateau: 
GIS and RS-assisted Modeling Approach"(Grand No.:ETD- 
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