Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
missions serving operational applications. Missions like 
GOCE, ADM-Aeolus, Cryosat and SMOS are planned and 
being implemented under Earth Explorers; and TerraSat, 
FuegoSat, and Radarsat (near term), Ocean Earth Watch 
and Land Optical Earth Watch Missions are planned for 
Medium and Long term under Earth Watch programme 
(http://www.esa.int/export/esal.P/ ; 
The Japenese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 
is pursuing advances in EO programme through GOSAT, 
ALOS, AQUA and ADEOS-II satellites 
(http://www.jaxa.jp/missions//projects/sat/eos/index e.htm 
In addition, various countries like Argentina, Brazil, 
Canada, China, Korea, Russia, and Ukraine are also 
contributing significantly towards earth observations 
through CEOS. 
With the availability of complementarity of remote sensing 
data from various missions by different agencies, some 
focused research towards disaster management is also 
taking place. The concept of virtual satellite like Tech21, 
missions like DEMETER and GRACE too have definite 
role to play. 
Analytical Tools 
Along with the technical developments in the imaging or 
sensor systems, advances are also necessary in devising 
new analytical tools and improving / developing process 
models (which may not be available off-the-shelf) by 
research teams. Efforts towards analyzing hyperspectral 
data in quantifying the physiology/stress related properties 
of plant, physicochemical properties of soil and water, 
understanding the impact of angular effect in remote 
sensing- detailed study on use of BRDF for biophysical 
parameter retrieval, development of suitable algorithms 
for deriving aerosol properties for a wide variety of 
situations for more accurate atmospheric correction, 
algorithms for retrieval of geophysical / biophysical 
parameters and SAR Polarimetry are quite important. Also 
in the data processing, developing appropriate data fusion 
techniques for high spatial resolution data with high 
spectral resolution data is also an emerging area. In the 
domain of feature extraction (information retrieval) 
evaluation of classifiers such as soft classifiers (e.g. 
fuzzy), knowledge based methods, textural/contextual 
methods, extraction of planimetric and 2.5-D/3-D features 
from remote sensing data, development of new image 
processing procedures, which incorporates 
photogrammetry, advanced classifiers and GIS based 
modeling are quite relevant. Very relevant to the agro 
ecosystems research are some research interests like 
development of sustainability indicators amenable to 
remote sensing, precision farming: efficacy of space 
inputs, development of expert systems for crop 
monitoring/forecasting, use of remote sensing to aid 
alternate sustainable cropping systems, characterization 
of and biodiversity at global and regional scale, and 
hydrological modeling to study runoff, water balance and 
soil moisture. Development of integrated monitoring 
systems using RS, GIS, GPS etc. is an important and 
interesting area across the EO systems. Towards disaster 
management, forecast / early warning systems, design of 
a total system for disaster forecast, monitoring, mitigation 
and damage assessment, constellation of satellite system 
is always going to be on the research forefront. For any 
global / regional level earth system research, creation of 
long-term global datasets useful in terms of seeking 
evidence of climate change, whether regionally or 
globally, assimilation of satellite data derived parameters 
for improving weather forecasts is going to be important. 
Similarly ocean state forecasting, polar research are also 
important thrust areas. 
Concluding Remarks 
Humankind in pursuit of its needs has put earth resources 
to a severe strain. This is resulting in degrading the 
environment thereby causing at times, irreversible 
damage to the very existence of life on this planet earth. 
Sustainable development is one approach, which 
attempts to find solutions to some of the self-induced 
human maladies. The present paper tried to tread the 
productive ecosystem approach to find probable solutions, 
and the role of EO systems towards providing the required 
information needs. Studies across the world are showing 
increased scope for use of EO data acquired in multiple 
dimensions by virtue of advances in space-based and in- 
situ measurement systems. Data availability from 
satellites like Hyperion, MODIS, QUCIKBIRD, IKONOS-II, 
Resourcesat-1, SPOT-5 etc. have opened new vistas in 
earth resources applications. Integration of 
complementary data sets from different spacecrafts, 
integration of data from multiple sensors / platforms like 
satellite and in-situ, and algorithms for processing 
different satellite data sets, techniques of data fusion etc. 
have become important. Development of integrated 
monitoring systems, forecast / early warning systems, 
design of a total system of constellation of satellites for 
disaster warning, monitoring, mitigation and damage 
assessment, are high on the agenda. Global level EO 
initiatives of CEOS, International Charter on Space and 
Major Disasters, IGOS-P, GEOSS are some of the 
programmatic endeavours in this direction. Thus, the new 
trends in EO strategies coupled with analytical techniques 
would further enhance our understanding of the Earth 
systems processes towards sustainable development. 
The authors would like to thank many of their colleagues 
for providing valuable inputs, and in particular Dr. P V N 
Rao and Dr. M V R Sesha Sai at NRSA for their critical 
reading of the draft. 
CEOS. “The Use of Earth Observing Satellites for Hazard 
Support: Assessments and Scenarios”, Final Report of 
Disaster Management Support Group of CEOS. 
Dadhwal V K. 1999: "Remote Sensing Applications for 
Agriculture — Retrospective and Prospective", Proc. of 
ISRS, ISRS, pp 11-22. 
Densham, P.J. 1991. “Spatial decision support systems", 
Geographical Information Systems: Principles and 
Applications. Ed. D. Manguire, MF Goodchild and D. 
Rhind. Wiley, New York. 

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