Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing a 
nd Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
In our previous study using the AISA sensor, the classification 
process was performed using 25 bands. The Airborne 
Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) sensor allows 
more specific spectral analysis with wavelengths from 380 nm 
to 2500 nm. AVIRIS data with spectral radiance in 224 
contiguous spectral channels, spectral resolution of about 10 
nm, and a ground pixel size of 18m x 18m were available to 
this study. The 2001 AVIRIS scene of the Santa Barbara 
coastal zone was obtained from the NASA Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory (JPL) in California. The whole track scene consists 
of 13 segments; each segment consists of 512 x 614 pixels. 
Four scenes were selected, each one representing an oil spill at 
a different stage from north to south. AVIRIS data allow the 
study of different types of oil spills in the ocean, oil spill 
classification, and quantitative measurements for on apparent 
oil spill. 
In this research study, hyperspectral processing techniques are 
applied to an AVIRIS image using a total of 224 bands from 
0.374 um to 2.50 pm. This process involved several steps 
beginning with looking at the change in spectral signatures in 
both space and time, as the oil spill characteristics changed 
with time. Three segments were selected to detect the different 
oil slick shapes. Data browsing was used to look at spatial and 
spectral changes in reflectance. 
2.1 Model Description 
In this paper an attempt was made to use newer and simpler 
techniques for target identification building on the PU 
technique. This PU method is used for partially unmixed 
AVIRIS data. High quality data of spectrally complex areas are 
highly dimensional and are consequently difficult to fully 
unravel (Boardman, et al., 1995). PU technique provides a 
method of solving only that fraction of the data inversion 
problem that directly relates to the specific goals of the 
investigation. In our previous study, the spectral linear 
unmixing technique showed many limitations for operational 
applications, because signatures for all the target materials in 
the scene must be spectrally identified. The PU method does 
not requires a prior knowledge of the background material 
spectral signatures. Our investigation included only oil spill 
targets that were not mixed with other materials except water. 
The data are subjected to dimensional reduction processes using 
Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) technique for reducing high 
dimensionality of the data. 
2.2 Data Reduction 
The data reduction phase of the analysis strives to identify 
Regions of interest (ROIs) in the data set by separating noise 
from information and reducing the data set to its true 
dimensionality by applying the minimum noise transform, then 
determining spectrally pure (extreme) pixels using the Pixel 
Purity Index (PPI) function on the minimum noise fraction 
results (Wagtendonk, et. al, 2000). N-dimensional 
visualization can then be performed using the grand tour of the 
high PPI value pixels to cluster the purest pixels into image- 
derived ROIs. 
AVIRIS data were put through a dimensionality analysis using 
the MNF transform. The data are translated to have a zero 
mean, and then the data are rotated and scaled so that the noise pU 
in every band is uncorrelated and has unit variance. The fes 
inherent dimensionality of the data is determined by examining ru 
the final eigenvalues and the associated images. The data space Ee 
is divided into two parts: one part associated with near-unity t 
eigenvalues and coherent eigen-images, and a complementary . 
part with near-unity eigenvalues and noise-dominated images. Dix 
By using only the coherent portions, the noise is separated from col 
the data, which improves the spectral processing results. Image RES 
linking and overlaying are used to identify pixel locations for 
thick oil slicks to selected oil spill spectra. A target weighting 23 
variance for high eigenvalues for each class provides clues to 5 
spectral features, contributing to the classification. 
2.3 Target Identification Using Partial Unmixing 
In our study another experiment was performed using the MNF 
(principal component) technique for target identification using 
data reduction and PU. The results indicated good separation 
of oil slicks, oiled water, and polluted water. Results are here 
used as a preliminary identification of oil targets, since no 
ground truth data were available. PU allows mapping of the 
apparent target abundances in the presence of an arbitrary and 
unknown spectrally mixed background. 
We have developed a partial unmixing technique as a method 
of mapping target ROIs using two MNF bands in a 2-D scatter 
plot to separate the oil spill target from the background pixels 
and to produce ROIs. The purest pixels in the scene are then 
compared against the target spectra. If any are close matches 
for the target materials, they are identified and separated from 
the other purest pixels. High-purity pixels that do not closely 
match a target spectrum are used to determine the subspace 
background. This analysis does not require a prior knowledge 
of the background material signatures. The steps are indicated: In F 
2.3.1 Eigenvector Weighting max 
MNF Band2 Eigenvector Weightings clus: 
| El {Thick dick yellc 
10 3 | 
gu 2 
3s 9 Wr pir 
Sen | ; 
Do p 
Gi 7 
-10 E 
-15 7 
1 i A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L A 1 1 
500 $000 1500. 2000 
Wavelength (400-2500 nm) 
Figure 7. The MNF Spectrum For Thick Oil Slick Bands 
Shows High Eigenvalues. 
Band 12 (fODDBOB5tü1 POI C2 se03+1.img}aanta_s 
Figure 7 shows a plot of the MNF eigenvalues, showing the 
amount of covariance in each output MNF band. Most of the 
information is derived from differences in 640 to 890 nm. 
The output results of data reduction processes are 25 MNFs; 
some of these bands have significant pixels for oil spills and the In Fi 

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