Istanbul 2004
and Envisat
ral monitoring
le 2 are based
AR images in
.] and Envisat
Ain Finland.
might be used
ing date.
ooding in 2003
esumably HH
better for
ion. Lodging
cted. 30 meters
n hinders the
Envisat SAR
for individual
| large areas are
'rowth can be
rization VH is
for the crop
ion, but noise
Envisat SAR is
w vegetation.
— RR —
of cultivation
ing of yield
n application
e information
R images are
the sowing to
hen provide a
tural fields.
'espond to the
al fields, such
|! biomass and
perience, an
n be detected
soil surface
'rowth or the
seen in the
Ic crops must
poor spatial
ange in the
-band in all
lodging were
ie the spatial
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003 will be
ch using the
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
SAR images continues in summer 2004 using Envisat satellite
SAR images. In 2004, the goal is to additionally measure the
vegetation biomass during the growing season. A great potential
still waits in the future, when very-high-resolution satellite SAR
images with few meters spatial resolution will become
Blaes Xavier, Pierre Defourny, 2003, Retrieving Crop
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Coherence Images, Remote Sensing of Environment, 88, 2003,
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Brown Sarah C. M., Shaun Quegan, Keith Morrison, John C.
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ESA, 1995, Satellite Radar in Agriculture, Experience with
ERS-1, SP-1185, European Space Agency Publication
Division, ISBN 90-9092-339-3.
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Karjalainen Mika, Harri Kaartinen, Juha Hyyppä and Risto
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Skriver Henning, Morten Thougärd Svendsen, Anton Gärde
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linen281103.pdf and
keskuksittain2002121202.pdf ^' (In Finnish, accessed 20
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Ulaby Fawwaz T., 1998, SAR Biophysical Retrievals: Lessons
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ESTEC, 21-23 October 1998 ESA SP-441.
The authors are grateful to the European Space Agency for
providing Envisat SAR images in the framework of Envisat
announcement of opportunity (AOE-488). We would also like
to thank the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry in Finland for providing parcel map and crop
species information and Kemira GrowHow Ltd for the co-
operation in collecting reference data.