Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
6) Degradation of the LISS-III LAI maps into low 
resolution to compare and evaluate MODIS LAI 
2.7 Remote sensing data analysis and image processing 
LAI may be estimated at a variety of spatial scales and with 
different space-borne sensors (Chen and Cihlar, 1996) using 
techniques ranging from regression models to canopy 
reflectance model inversions with varying successes, which 
include (1) statistical models that relate LAI to band radiance 
(Badhwar et al., 1986) or develop LAI-vegetation index relation 
(Chen and Cihlar, 1996 and Myneni et aL, 1997), (2) 
biophysical models like Price (1993), and (3) inversion of 
canopy reflectance using numerical model or LUT based model 
(Gao and Lesht, 1997, Qiu et al., 1998, and Knyazikhin et al., 
1998). The empirical approach is common in large area remote 
sensing LAI estimation and it is used in the present study. 
The complete procedure is shown in figure 1. For each site, an 
area of approximately 30 km X 30 km was extracted from IRS- 
ID LISS-III. Digital numbers (DN) were converted to top-of- 
atmosphere (TOA) reflectance using the sensor gain, offset, 
sun-angle and exo-atmospheric band pass coefficients (Pandya 
et al., 2002). Surface reflectance was calculated from TOA 
reflectance using the 6S-code (Vermote et. al., 1997) using 
measured aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and water vapor (wv) 
at site as input. Out of six IRS-ID LISS-III acquisitions (table 
1), two were cloudy and not used in analysis. The reflectance 
images were registered to corresponding geo-rectified images 
using nearest neighbor resampling with less than 0.5 pixel root 
mean square error. The fields with LAI measurements were 
identified and demarcated carefully on the corresponding LISS- 
Ill and Panchromatic (PAN) merged (5.8 m spatial resolution) 
data. The mean NDVI was computed for each field. Site- 
specific non-linear NDVI-LAI relations were developed for 
each site and acquisition. The exponential and polynomial fits 
were found to have higher R? (0.58-0.73) than the linear fits 
(0.3-0.52). The exponential form of models was used to 
generate the fine resolution LAI maps from LISS-III data for 
each site and date (e.g. figure 2). These LAI images were 
aggregated (figures 3(a) and 4(a)) to 1 km spatial resolution 
using averaging for comparison with MODIS LAI product. 
The MODIS LAI product of | km spatial resolution and 
composited over an 8-day period corresponding to 10? X 10? 
tiles in HDF EOS format were acquired for study area from 
EROS Data Center (table 1) and these were reprojected from 
original Integerized Sinusoidal projection to UTM projection. 
The LAI images (figures 3(b) and 4(b)) were generated by 
applying scaling factor after masking out water and urban 
pixels. Quality flags supplied with MODIS LAI products were 
studied and inter-comparison between LISS-1I1 LAI and 
MODIS LAI was restricted to pixels pertaining to the class of 
overall best quality (cloud free pixels and LAI retrieval through 
RT model). 
3.1 Variability in LAI and atmospheric measurements 
across sites 
Information on sites, date of LAI measurements, crops covered, 
range of LAI, AOT and water vapor measured are summarized 
in the table 2. The LAI for the crops considered, span a wide 
range corresponding to crop emergence to peak vegetative 
stage. The range of LAIs across all sites/season was from 0.14 
to 5.6. The range of AOT measurements collected at the time of 
satellite pass across the sites was 0.16 to 0.32 at 500 nm and the 
range of water vapor was 0.71 to 1.28 cm. 
Table 2: Range of LAI and atmospheric parameters across 
Site Date of Crop** LAI AOT Water 
No* Ground Range at 500 vapor 
Observation nm (cm) 
] 02 Dec 01 w,g 0.17-3.30 0.16 0.71 
27 Dec 01 w,g 0.69-4.63 0.26 1.15 
21 Jan 02° W.g 0.64-3.26 - = 
2 24 Dec 01 W.g.p 0.14-3.80 0.2 0.51 
18 Jan 02 ^ W,g,p 1.05-5.6 = = 
12 Feb 02 w,g p 1.25-4.48 0.32 1.28 
* Site No: I: Indore, 2: Bhopal, ** w: wheat, g: gram, p: pea 
# Overcast conditions 
3.2 Site specific LAI-NDVI empirical models and validation 
After atmospheric correction, the contrast of red and NIR 
increased and consequently the estimated NDVI was higher 
than those computed with DN and radiance of red and NIR 
(figure 2). The exponential form of models was used to generate 
the fine resolution LAI maps from atmospherically corrected 
LISS-IH data. The model coefficients for different sites/dates 
are summarized in table 3. 
Table 3. Regression models to relate LAI to NDVI derived from 
LISS 3 don, Equation yen vb in) SENDVL LAN 
Site Date a b R? 
Bhopal 24 Dec.2001 0.5847 01225 073 
12 Feb.2002 0.5197 0.1634 0.58 
Indore 02 Dec.2001 0.5156 0.1341 0.65 
—— 27 Dec 2001 0.4776 0.1425 0.60 
The comparison between LISS-IIT derived LAI and MODIS 
LAI was carried out by performing regression between LAI 
estimated from MODIS (dependent) and LISS-III (independent) 
and the results are summarized in table 4 and illustrated in 
figure 5. The comparison indicated significant positive 
correlation between LISS-IHI derived LAI and MODIS LAI 
(r=0.78 for Bhopal and r=0.72 for Indore). A slope of | and 0 
intercept indicate full match, while deviations show over/under 
estimation. The analyses indicated an overestimation in MODIS 
LAI compared to LISS-III LAI for both sites. The scale of 
overestimation is quite high for Bhopal (slope: 1.98 and 2.49) 
than Indore (slope: 0.74 and 1.16). Overestimation by LAI was 
higher, for higher LAI estimates by LISS-III, especially in 
Bhopal (figure 5 (a), (b)). The overall root mean square error of 
MODIS LAI is higher for Bhopal (0.92 and 1.26) compared to 
Indore (0.20 and 0.33), however Bhopal had higher range of 
LAI (0.1 to 3.28 in LISS-III LAI 0.3 to 6.9 in MODIS LAI). 
During the analysis, many pixels of MODIS LAI product were 
observed to have LAI (5-6.9), which seems to be unrealistically 
high and contrary to the ground observations. Similar trend was 
observed for other dates and site. Since comparison is restricted 
to only best RT-model derived pixels, the errors could arise due 
to a number of factors such as wrong biome type, vegetation 
dependent parameters and effect of soil background or 
aggregation procedure. Analysis of MODIS land cover product 
that goes as an input in MODIS LAI retrieval algorithm, 
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