Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
observe the nocturnal LST decreasing and the variation in 
regard to the air temperature. 
The data were acquire by visible, near infrared and thermal 
otbital scanning with “Advanced Very High Resolution 
Radiometer” (AVHRR) instruments of the “National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration” (NOAA) of "Polar 
Operational Environmental Satellites” (POES) system. 
Currently, in orbit we have morning and afternoon satellites, 
which provide global coverage six times daily. Because of the 
polar orbiting nature of the POES system, these satellites are 
able to collect global data on a daily basis for a variety of land, 
ocean, and atmospheric fine structure applications. 
Many researchers have studied the relationship between 
emissivity and some experimental data (van de Griend & Owe, 
1993) or theoretical vegetation parameters (Valor & Caselles, 
996). In this study, the authors applied Valor & Caselles, 
(1996) algorithm for the surface emissivity estimation derived 
from measures of NDVI. 
This study area cover twelve (12) groud-based stations 
distributed over the Rio Grande do Sul State with 281.731.64 
Km’, at the South Brazil, delimitated by following cordinates: 
Longitudes .49?4222"W and  57738'34"W. Latitudes 
27*04'49"'S and 33?44'42"'S. 
The study area presents particularly features of relief (canyon) 
and crop fields covering to the north and it is often covered by 
shrub and grassland vegetation in the other sites. 
The satellite data used in this study with the highest elevation 
angle overpasses in the Winter season of the 2002, were 
received, analysed and selected from the permanent available 
files at the Centro Estadual de Pesquisas em Sensoriamento 
Remoto e Meteorologia (CEPSRM-UFRGS). The CEPSRM is 
located at coordinates: 51?11'35'"'W and 30*06'39"'S. 
The Table 1 present the geographical position of the 12 ground 
based-stations under shelter installed 1.5 meters above the 
surface in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. 
Table 1. Geographical position of the stations 
Ground-based stations location 
Station Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) 
| Bajé 31^ 20'S 54? 06"W 212 
2 Bom Jesus 28? 40'S 50? 26"W 1046 
3 Caxias 29° 10°S 51° 12’°W 817 
4 E. do Sul 30? 32'S 829 31^ W 432 
5 Farroupilha 29° 14’S 51? 26'W 783 
6 Irai 272.41!S 53° 14’W 716 
7 Porto Alegre 30° 05’S 51° 10°W 3 
8 Quarai 30? 23'S 56° 26’W 112 
9 Santa Rosa 27° 51'$ 54° 25°W 277 
10 S. Vitoria 339 31'S 53° 21’W 23 
1! Säo Luiz 289 23'S 54° 58°W 231 
12 Taquarí 29? 48'S 5]? 49"W 54 
It were selected 4 (four) night-time images from NOAA-15 and 
16 with two overpasses in July 15 and September 04 dates, on 
High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) format as shown 
in Table 2. 
Table 2. Selected night-time images for LST data retrieval. 
AVHRR data Date Overpass (GMT) 
02196a16 July/15 04:59 
02196a15 July/15 10:18 
02247a16 September/04 05:41 
02247a15 September/04 10:31 
The determination of the LST variation analysis requires the use 
of data obtained from satellites together measurements taken on 
ground-based stations (in situ) measurements. 
The main steps undertaken were: a) clear-sky satellite 
overpasses selection; b) georreferencing data; c) monthly 
maximum NDVI data genneration; d) emissivity data retrieval; 
€) computing of the 9 pixels mean LST over the ground-based 
stations position; f) generate of a scatterplot of LST variation 
against Tair variation data for each day. 
Formerly, it was applied in the software ERDAS-Imagine 
version 8.5 the orbital algorithm for control points calculation 
based on the efemerids data provided by NOAA for the orbital 
route. This type of georreferencing with the Spheroid and 
DATUM WGSS64 for high elevation overpasses often present an 
mean accuracy of 2 pixels (2200m) for this region. Latter, it was 
undertaken a second georreferencing with a number of control 
points based on the well known location of water bodies in the 
dimension of few pixels. The obtained results in the 
georreferencing are quite good and necessary in the same way. 
The ERDAS-Imagine 8.5 software was used to transform the 10 
bits radiometric records, i. e. 1024 digital counter, in 
temperature data. This module permit to transform digital 
counters value in radiance and to get brightness temperature 
data through Planck’s equation (Gusso & Fontana, 2003). 
However the calculation based on the black body's theory 
temperature by Planck's equation is complex numerically 
because it needs to consider the spectral response function of 
temperature to the radiance in differents wavelengths. Details of 
the physical fundamentals of thermal interpreting signals by the 
brightness temperature from the observed radiance in remote 
sensing theory, are very well discribed at Sullivan (1999). 
2.1 Land surface temperature 
At any time, the value taken by the surface temperature Tskin 
results from the balance between the various forms of energy 
exchanges at the surface: net radiation, convective sensible and 
latent heat fluxes and soil conduction heat flux. Because the 
long wave radiation losses of the surface Tskin (LST) and Tair 
both decrease during the night and reach their minimum values 
generally just before sunrise (Lagouarde and Brunet, 1993). 
Tskin usually remains slightly lower than Tair. 
The radiative cooling at night and the difference Tair — Tskin 
are greater the more important as the longwave downward 
atmospheric radiation is low. Low values of soil thermal 
conductivity, roughness and wind speed act in the same 
direction, by limiting the energy exchanges between the surface 
and the air above. However in most cases the night-time 
temperature differences Tair — Tskin does not usually exceed 3 
degrees Celsius (Oliveira, 1997). Values greater than 4 or 5 
Kelvin are rarely found and correspond to very stable 
atmospheric situations (Lagouarde and Brunet, 1993). Also, the 
maximum surface temperature reached shortly after solar noon 
strongly depends on surface conditions. For instance, on very 
dry bare soils the difference may reach 20 K (Seguin et al, 1982 

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