Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

tanbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Digital Catchments Stream 
Elevation delineation id network map 
. Y L ; 
- Sources of Cat T. List of major 
drinking water m = map catchments and 
for local their priority 
communities (Pre-defined by 
Yv y i 
Selection of Selection of 
catchments as catchments as part 
unique source of of critical major 
water for daily use catchments 
y Y 
Catchments area Catchments area 
as unique source as part of critical 
of drinking water major 
(HCV 4.1) catchments 
Figure 3. Spatial analysis for identification of HCV elements 4.1 and 4.2 
Rainfall Calculating Map of 
Intensity n Rain Erosivity [— Rain Erosivity 
Distribution (Ry (R) Factor 
Soil Type Map Calculating Map of 
(With additional fp Soil Erodibility —— Soil Erodibility ES 
information) (Nomograph)* (K) Factor 
Digital Extracting Slope Map of » SoilLoss 
Elevation Length and Slope ——— > Slope Factor = —» by Rain 
Is Model (DEM) Steepness* (LS) Factor P| Erosion 
Assigning C- Map of 
Land Cover — —| values foreach | [——» Vegetation EXE *Further 
Map land cover type* Cover details on 
how value 
€— for each 
: factor 
Info on erosion Assigning P- Map of assigned are 
management — Pl values foreach |—P, Support presented in 
practices measures* Measure the next 
Figure 4. Calculating relative soil loss by rain erosion using USLE in GIS environment 

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