T. G. C. Vieira **, H. M. R. Alves ^, M. P. C. Lacerda *, R. D. Veiga 4. J. C. N. Epiphanio ?
?* EPAMIG/CTSM, CxP 76, 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brasil -
à Embrapa Café, CxP 176, Epamig/CTSM, 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brasil -
‘UnB, CxP 04508 - Asa Norte, 70910-970, Brasilia, DF, Brasil -
^ UFLA, CxP 37, 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brasil -
?* INPE/DSR, CxP 515, 12227-010, Sào José dos Campos, SP, Brasil -
Session PS, WG VIU2
KEY WORDS: Remote sensing, Agriculture, GIS, Satellite Images, Crop Mapping, Crop Parameters
The work relates coffee plantation characteristics with their spectral responses in TM/Landsat images to obtain identification patterns
to be used in the mapping and monitoring of coffee lands of the state of Minas Gerais using remote sensing. The fieldwork involved
selection of representative areas from the main coffee production regions of the state, with definition of pilot areas from where the
coffee parameters and environmental data were collected. Two pilot-areas representative of the physiographic regions Alto Paranaiba
and Sul de Minas were selected for the study. The field data and TM/Landsat images were treated with the geographic information
system SPRING. The reflectance data, as well as the remaining data collected in the field, were organized in a statistical programme
for correlation studies. The statistical analysis showed that, among the fourteen variables evaluated, the highest correlation was
observed between reflectance measured in the near infrared zone and the percentage of area covered by the plants canopies. This
parameter reflects the effects of other crop variables, such as size, diameter, density, vegetative vigour and productivity. The results
showed that, due to the great variability of the crop and the limitations imposed by TM/Landsat products, the definition of a pattern is
unlikely. Nevertheless, for productive adult coffee plants in good vegetative state, the survey and monitoring of the crop can be
carried out using TM/Landsat images, particularly in regions like Alto Paranaiba, where the landscape is mostly of gently undulating
slopes and the coffee fields are more extensive and homogeneous.
Remote sensing can be defined as techniques that enable the
extraction, at a distance, of information concerning targets of
interest on the Earth's surface. This is done through detection,
quantification and analysis of the electromagnetic energy that is
reflected, absorbed, transmitted and/or emitted by these targets.
Satellite images are tools that can be used to generate
information that is obtained through the spectral behavior of the
vegetation. The spectral differences are registered in the image
as variations of tones, color or density. The remote sensors
detect the differences in tone or color between an object and its
environment (Valério Filho, 1996).
According to Leonardi (1990), due to its multi-spectral
character, its repetition in time and space and relative low cost,
compared to aerial photographs, remote sensing is a potential
method to obtain information on coffee production. However,
coffee is a perennial crop with complex features. As observed
by remote sensors, coffee is very heterogeneous, since it
presents variations in all the parameters that influence. the
spectral response (Epiphanio et al., 1994).
Agricultural crops vary in spectral complexity and work has
been carried out to evaluate the relation between agricultural
variables and spectral responses. The spectral response of the
canopy of a given crop may be influenced by many factors, such
as: humidity, vegetative vigour, canopy architecture and size,
soil type, topography, plan density and spacing, variety, age and
crop consortiation among others.
In perennial crops, the reflectance registered in a given pixel
results not only from the plant, but also from factors related to
the ground, to the plant architecture and shadowing geometry.
The development of these plants is usually slower and other
factors, such as soil, constant use of agricultural machines,
shadowing in and between the plant rows and the crop's
seasonal characteristics become important.
Crops planted in rows form a complex field composed by
vegetation and exposed soil, in different proportions that change
during the year as the plants grow, which is captured by the
sensor. In this case, the shadows of the plants in the rows,
projected on the soil's surface or on other rows, become an
important factor in the canopy radiation (Ranson e/ a/., 1984).
Couvre (1980) studied the relation between some parameters of
citrus plantations (coverage of the terrain by citrus trees, soil
type, plant rows orientation, slope gradient, slope aspect, height
of the trees, substratum and uniformity of the field), and the
spectral reflectance obtained from the transformation of the gray
levels of the TM/Landsat-5 image. The author explains that the
incoherent relation between the percentage of the terrain
covered by the trees and the reflectance in the TM4 band is due,
mainly, to the increase of shadows and of the covering of the
ground by the trees, due to the spacing and distribution of the
plants. According to the author, the increase of shadows annuls
the effect of the increase of green cover over the reflectance in
this band. As for the parameter soil type, the author observed
higher reflectance values in the Dark Red Latosol (LE) than in
the Red Yellow Latosol (LV) in the TM3, TMS and TM7 bands.
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