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bands of
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
Since the two strips are taken with 20, resp. 40 minutes distance
the solar position has moved. More important is the fact that the
azimuth has turned by 180 degrees and that the RGB lines in
this camera are looking 16 degrees forward. So even for the
center pixels the viewing geometry has changed.
This can be clearly seen in the original data. When using the
method described in sec. 3 a considerable reduction can be
The corresponding column statistics is shown in Figure 7. The
statistics has got a gap between minus and plus 16 degrees
because of the tilt angle of the RGB lines, which sets a
minimum for the viewing angle (However, the ADS40 is also
available with the RGB lines placed in Nadir position).
The modelling is sometimes off the data due to the nature of the
model. However the relative shape is always maintained. It can
be seen that the data have quite considerable differences in
brightness level. The asterisk denotes the final view angle and
brightness level (here the NS line) for which the correction will
be performed. If the hot spot function is replaced by the Li
Sparse Reciprocal MODIS kernel from the AMBRALS model
the modelling quality is not significantly changed.
In this paper we have shown a strategy for correction of
atmospheric and BRDF effects in ADS40 images.
The requirements for mapping imagery differ from those in
remote sensing applications. The huge data amounts require fast
and robust algorithms which produce seamless image mosaics.
So empirical methods are the first choice unless the data quality
requires higher accuracy.
For the case of the atmospheric correction this results in using
an improved dark pixel method. The BRDF correction is
performed using an improved Walthall model.
It was shown with ADS40 RGB image data that the brightness
gradient could be removed and image brightness of different
flight lines could be adjusted to match properly, without
removing image fluctuations. Remaining seams can be removed
with conventional feathering.
This is a step towards an automatic generation of huge seamless
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Many thanks to the ground spectrometry team of Dr.
Kneubühler ‘rom the Remote Sensing Laboratories in Zurich
who made accompanying BRDF measurements with the RSL
Goniometer on the sand sports ground in Hinwil, Switzerland.