Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The study area is a 18 km by 13.5 km site situated near the 
town of Karacabey, Bursa in northwest of Turkey (Figure 1). 
The geographic boundaries of the area are N40?07'44" - 
N40?13'43" and E28?10'31" - E28?20'28". The main crops 
erown in the region are tomato, corn, pepper, wheat, onion, 
and sugar beet. The villages that fall within the study area 
include — Akhisar, Eskisaribey, Hotanli, — Ismetpasa, 
Kucukkaraagac, Sultaniye, Yenisaribey, and Yolagzi. In the 
region, a land consolidation project was performed between 
1988 and 1992. Therefore, majority of the fields have regular 
shapes that affect the classification accuracy. However, a 
significant number of small fields exist in the area. The size 
of the fields range from 0.0074 to 48 ha. The elevation 
difference across the study area is very small (within 10 m). 
The Landsat7 ETM- images (Path:180, Row:32) used in the 
classification were acquired on May 15, 2000, July 2, 2000, 
and August 19, 2000. All images were cloud free and of good 
quality. A 600 pixels x 450 lines (multispectral) subscene 
covering the study area was extracted to perform the 
proposed sequential masking classification procedure. 
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Figure 1. The study area. 
The field boundaries were digitized from the cadastral map 
sheets. The maps were converted into a raster form by 
scanning them. Each raster map was registered to Gauss- 
Kruger (Zone-5) projection and datum ED50 using six grid 
intersections. The registration was based on first-degree 
polynomial and nearest neighbor resampling techniques. The 
registration accuracies were between + 1.14 m and + 3.59 m. 
Next, the field boundaries were manually delineated through 
on screen digitization and stored as vector polygons in the 
database. Each polygon was assigned an identification 
number and the crop types were recorded as attributes for 
those fields from which reference information was collected 
during site visit. There were a total of 2977 fields. 
The multispectral bands (1-to-5 and 7) and the panchromatic 
band were merged for each image date. The fused image 
retains the spatial resolution of the panchromatic band, yet 
provides the spectral properties of multispectral bands. 
Furthermore, the field-based classification of a higher spatial 
resolution image would be adventageous for small fields 
since the number of pixels falling within the fields will 
increase. The fused images were geometrically corrected to 
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)-zone 35 projection 
and the European Datum 1950 (ED50). The geometric 
correction was based on second-degree polynomial and 
nearest. neighbor resampling techniques. The root mean 
square error (RMSE) values were computed as + 0.52 pixels 
for the May image, + 0.67 pixels for the July image, and + 
0.59 pixels for the August image. 
We displayed the merged August image on the screen with 
the digitized field boundaries overlaid, and those fields (275 
in total) that contain multiple crops were identified through 
visual inspection. The sub-boundaries within the fixed 
geometry of these fields were then delineated through on 
screen digitization and each sub-field was assigned an 
identification number. There were 424 new sub-fields. With 
these new sub-fields the total number of fields increased to 
A total of 1083 fields were visited on the ground. For each 
field, crop type was collected as essential information and the 
database was populated with the new data. For each image 
date, the training samples were selected from all crops found 
in the study area. The field boundaries were displayed on the 
screen in superimposition with the raster imagery. For each 
class, those fields from which reference information was 
collected during site visit were selected through a database 
query. Thereby, the boundary pixels were avoided. The 
following classes were defined for the May image: bare soil, 
wheat, clover, pasture, rice, pea, and onion. The July classes 
include corn, residue, tomato, sugar beet, clover, pasture, 
pepper, watermelon, bare soil, rice, cauliflower, and onion. 
The classes defined for the August image are the same as the 
July classes except for onion, which does not exist in August. 
For each class, a group of representative pixels were 
delineated within designated fields. Approximately 1096 of 
the ground-visited fields were used in training, while the 
other fields were set aside to be used as check fields to 
perform accuracy assessement. 
A per-pixel supervised classification of the images was 
performed using the maximum likelihood method. For each 
image date, the classification was carried out on bands |, 2, 3, 
4, 5, and 7. In addition, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 
was carried out to obtain new channels. In the present case 
the first 4 components of the May, July, and August images 
provided 99.77%, 99.60%, and 99.76% respectively of the 
total variance of the original data sets. Therefore, the first 4 
PCs were used in the classification. 
Upon completing the per-pixel classification, the integrated 
analysis of the classified images and the vector field data was 
carried out. To eliminate the effect of the boundary pixels on 
the classification, a narrow corridor was generated along the 
boundary inside each field. Field-based analysis was 
performed by computing the class percentages within inside 
corridor boundaries of each field and applying the entire field 
the label of the modal class. For each field, the class 
percentages and the final class label were automatically 
inserted into the database. To compute classification 
accuracy, the reference data were compared, field-by-field, to 
each of the six classified images. The error matrix was used 
to measure the accuracy of each classified output. The 
accuracies of individual classes and the overall accuracy of 
all bands and the first 4 PCs classifications are given in tables 
| and 2. 

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