Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
to geometrically correct the land use map (since its feature 
resolution is comparatively higher). The other maps (soil 
parameters, elevation, etc.) were then corrected based on the 
land use map. Table 5 shows a listing of the sources of data 
and other related information used for creation of spatial 
Comprehensive databases have been generated for the two 
study areas. The databases have been archived as vector layer, 
and can therefore be produced as map at selectable scale. The 
components of the databases have already been mentioned in 
earlier sections. The geographic and feature accuracy of the 
Ecological Parameters: Water salinity (Attribute) Data, 
Water pH (Attribute) Data, Water : 
Temperature (Attribute) Data, Soil type (GIS), Soil pH (GIS), 
Seed Availability as Hatchery (GIS), Impact of industry ang 
agriculture on water quality (Attribute) 
Infrastructure: Railway/Road network (Distance, GIS), 
Marketing Facility (Distance, 
GIS), Processing facility (Distance, GIS), Power facility for 
pumping (Distance, GIS), Drainage facilities for Exchange of 
out Water (GIS), Other facilities (Bank, Education, Health, 
selecting S! 
the situatio 
the lower 
land is seer 
specific pal 
Total areas 
are 75,227 
About 38.6 
Table 8. Si 
databases are high because of the extensive field verifications Fish Co-Operative), (Attribute) Data E 
/ surveys using GPS. These databases can be used for any Suit. 
applications. Demographic parameters: Peoples economic condition: 94 of Clas 
population having income  420Taka/Capita, SITE 
A detail description of the model can be found elsewhere development (Attribute), Training facility (Attribute), 
(Gupta, 1993). In the present study the parameters considered > 
for selection of suitable site for shrimp culture are the Meteorological Parameters: Annual Rainfall (Attribute), 
followings: Evaporation Rate (Attribute), Air temperature (Attribute), 3 
Wind speed (Attribute), Storm/Dust Frequency (Attribute). D 
Engineering Parameters: Topography (GIS), Elevation/Tidal 2 
amplitude relationship, brackish water supply I 
Table 7.Areas under each of the classes based on weightage for different polygon-based model parameters. b 
Areas (Hectares) ; D 
Class Based | Soil-type Soil-pH Topography Elevation/Tidal 7 
on Weightages Amplitude Re 
Cox's Khulna- Cox's Khulna- Cox's Khulna Cox's Khulna 
Bazar Sathkhira Bazar Sathkhira Bazar Sathkhira | Bazar Sathkhira IS. 
0 > - 91315 - 109 - 21252 2843 
| 6130 - 19888 15323 46479 - 2022 - Tota 
2 84314 3340 33065 63265 18111 = 10265 411 
3 35089 66356 3623 73136 73383 - 23868 6794 — 
4 22502 99159 149 17131 9953 - 85685 15141 Table 9. A 
5 - - - - - - 322 93455 
6 : - : : ; : : 73237 Suitability 
Note: - Ranges of the parameter values for each of the 6.1 Cox's Bazaar study area: The results from the 
classes are given in section 7.1. application of the model are comprehensive for some specific 
- Areas in class 0 are unsuitable part of the study recommendations regarding the present state of the shrimp 5 
areas considering the values of the farming, as well as, its future extension. Figure 12 shows the 3 
Parameters. suitability map obtained from the application of the GIS 1 
-  Weightage of topography in Khulna-Sathkhira model. The red polygon is the model application area. s 
area belongs to a single class. Comparing to the land use map (figure 2) this map is readily ç 
- Data on soil-type and soil-pH of mangrove understandable for validation of the model as well as for ; 
forest areas in Khulna- Sathkhira are not future extension of the shrimp farming in this area. However, 
available. Area statistics for these two the statistics of the suitability map in table 8 gives quantitative 8 
parameters, therefore, do not include these values in this respect. D 
areds. Total 
In table- 8, the number of suitability classes is nine. The first 
6. Model Based Suitability Analysis of the Study Sites and suitability class has a weightage of 67.9% and the last (ninth) Note: - 
Assessment of the Present Status of Coastal Shrimp Farm class has the same of 45%. This indicates the wide variation - 
Areas of suitability of the land parcels for shrimp farms in this study suitabl 
The suitable shrimp farming site selection model (4S Model) 
described earlier has been executed in a GIS environment to 
analyze the suitability of the two study sites. Such an 
operation results in maps of two study sites indicating the 
suitability values. A significant variation is observed in 
different places over the study sites. A total of 24 parameters 
have been considered in the calculation of suitability of the 
area. In the following section an area-based analysis has been 
area. The first suitability class has very low percentage of 
area; the second class has comparatively higher area, but still 
considerably lower than the other classes except the last two 
(eight and ninth). Thus, it is evident from the percentage 
weightages of the majority of the classes (third- seventh) that 
the land parcels under suitable class are moderately suitable ın 
this study area. 
In table-9, existing shrimp beds are seen to be placed to the 
higher suitability classes (first-fifth) with considerable higher 
percentage than they are placed to the lower suitability classes 
area un

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