Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
crop area of every type using high spatial resolution images like 
Landsat TM or CBERS CCD data, even using very high spatial 
resolution data like IKONOS or Quickbird image at proper date. 
In some area, crop acreage could be estimated precisely using 
remotely sensed data on proper date. But this only limited to 
some special crop type in some special area. For example, 
winter wheat acreage estimation using NDVI from Landsat TM 
in North China could get a high accuracy above 90% in some 
area (Xu Xiru 1991). This is because winter wheat there has no 
other fusion crop types. This method could not be used in south 
China for low proportion of winter wheat and the fusion of seed 
rape. Meanwhile, the threshold of NDVI used to extract winter 
wheat area varies in different area and different year. At the 
same time, tests showed that, identification of different crop 
type have a very low accuracy for reason of the cross-planting 
and inter-planting phenomena. We have taken a test in Kaifeng 
area, Henan province. The accuracy of summer-harvest and 
fall-harvest crops is no more than 90% (Li Qiangzi, 2002). 
Therefore, crop acreage estimating techniques using optical 
data cannot meet the CCWS running request. 
So, we need a new methodology integrating remote sensing and 
other techniques to estimate with in precise. In this paper, 
supported by remote sensing, we provided a stratified two-stage 
sampling methodology to meet the running of CCWS, 
integrated remote sensing and sampling techniques together. 
Using sampling technique in CCWS, not only solved the 
difficulties of full-coverage image receiving, but also provided 
an efficiency way to control the estimating accuracy. 
In the methodology, we used a two-stage sampling procedure to 
estimate crop acreage supported by the 100,000-scaled China 
Land Resource Database (Liu Jiyuan, 1996). In the first 
sampling procedure, we built the cluster-sampling frame by 
using 1:100000 scaled map-sheet and selected remotely sensed 
data under cluster-sampling technique. Although it is difficult to 
extract crop area from remotely sensed data like Landsat TM, 
but it is easy to estimate crop proportion accurately (Li Qiangzi, 
2004). Using the ability of estimating total area of all crops, 
complete estimating the total proportion of crop on the farm in 
every second-stratum. In the second sampling procedure, we 
use transect sampling to survey crop type proportion. At last, 
crop acreage is the product of crop proportion on the arable area 
and crop type proportion of every crop type on the planted area 
and the arable area. 
For the need of sampling, we brought into the stratification. We 
divided China cultivated region from three different levels. 
After the stratification, we get 11 first-level strata 44 second- 
level strata and 102 third-level strata and we estimating crop 
proportion at the second-level strata and surveying crop type 
proportion at the third-level strata. 
But when estimating rice acreage, we always use SAR data and 
optical data together. SAR could extract rice proportion directly 
with high accuracy (Liew S C, Kam S, Tuong T et al 1998), so 
there is no need of ground survey for crop type proportion, and 
rice acreage can be calculated using arable area multiple rice 
proportion directly. 
For crop acreage estimation, stratification is an effective way to 
increase the estimation accuracy and efficiency. After 
stratification, the planting structure, crop rotation system and 
crop calendar development is similar within every stratum. That 
will be benefit to cluster sampling for crop proportion 
monitoring and transect sampling for crop type proportion 
During the first level stratification, the main stratification tools 
used including atmosphere temperature, precipitation, solar 
eradiation, soil types and physiognomy properties and crop 
rotation. After clustering the stratification tools and removing 
small polygons, we get 11 first-level strata. : 
During the second level stratification, the main stratification 
tools are the proportions of different crop type at county level, 
here we considered the main 4 crop types, including rice, wheat, 
maize and soybean. During the procedure, we extract strata 
boundary from county boundary for the reason of statistics data 
collected on county level. At last, we get 44 second-level strata. 
During the third-level stratification, the main stratification tools 
used mainly is the farm consistency. Firstly we extract cultivate 
area from 100,000 scaled China Land Resource Database and 
calculate cultivating consistency in every 1 KM * 1 KM grid, 
then, reclassified the cultivating consistency into 4 levels (> 
80%, 50-80%, 15-50%, 0-15%) and used in stratification. After 
the procedure, we get 102 third-level strata (See figure 1). 
Stratification tools 
Atmosphere temperature, precipitation, 
solar eradiation, soil types and 
physiognomy properties and crop 
rice, wheat, maize and soybean 
proportion at county level, 
Table 1. Factors used in stratification 
Figure 1. Stratification used for crop acreage estimation 
4.1 Cluster Sample Design 
China Crop Watch System re-divided strata into clusters and 
selected clusters enough to meet the requirement of given 
accuracy at second-level strata. 
Firstly, we built sampling frames on 1:100000 scaled standard 
topographic map sheet. A cluster is a standard 1:1000000 scaled 
map sheet with area from 1270 to 1950 KM2 correspond to à 
1/16 Landsat TM view which area is about 1977 KM2. Because 
the area equality, we use the sampled cluster to select remotely 
sensed images to monitor crop proportion (see figure 2). 
At last, we 
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