Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
compatible with the radar look angle present the highest values 
in the cross-polar signature. The case of z/4 titled dihedrals is 
little presented in this figure, for high intensity of the cross- 
polar components, an ellipticity angle equal to 45° and an 
orientation angle close to 180°. 
In the forest co-polar signature, the highest values of intensity 
are observed for an ellipticity angle close to 0° and an 
orientation angle close to 160° (figure 4). In this case, 
polarization is almost horizontally oriented (i.e., Sy, presents 
high value and S,, a value close to 0). Consequently, several 
areas in the forest environment denote a dipole like scattering, 
resulting from the a) volume scattering, i.e. wave scattered by 
branches and/or leaves, b) contribution of two scattering types, 
dihedral and surfaces. The latter occurs because a resolution 
cell can represent either a trunk to ground interaction which 
denotes the double scattering mechanism, or a uniform smooth 
arca which denotes a surface scattering mechanism. Although 
forest leaves are randomly oriented, they fit more to horizontal 
dipoles. Thus, the forest signature presents low values of co- 
polar intensity for an ellipticity angle close to 0° and an 
orientation angle close to 70° (figure 4), i.e. for waves that are 
vertically polarized (S,, presents a high value and S, à value 
close to 0). In the forest cross-polar signature (figure 4), like in 
that of urban areas, the radar look angle defines the orientation 
of high cross-polar intensities. The case of n/4 titled dihedrals is 
strongly presented in this figure for high intensity of the cross- 
polar components, an ellipticity angle equal to 45° and an 
orientation angle close to 180°. 
(a) (b) 
Figure 4. a) The co-polar and b) the cross-polar signature of the 
forest area 
In the vegetation co-polar signature, we observe high values of 
intensity for an ellipticity angle close to 0°, and orientation 
angles close to 160° and 80° respectively (figure 5). This means 
high return of the wave scattered by horizontally and/or 
vertically oriented dipoles. The low intensity values, which we 
observe for an ellipticity angle close to -45° and an orientation 
angle close to 0°, denotes the surface scattering type of smooth 
surfaces like bare soil or sowed fields. In contrast to the forest 
signature, vegetation signature denotes an organization of the 
Figure 5. a) The co-polar and b) the cross-polar signature of the 
scatterers which allows them to act either as horizontal (leaves) 
or vertical (trunks) dipoles. In the vegetation cross-polar 
signature (figure 5), the case of 7/4 titled dihedrals is strongly 
In the runway co-polar signature (figure 6), the lack of returned 
wave is observed for almost the entire range of values of the 
ellipticity angle, i.e. for random ellipses. Indeed, low intensity 
values are observed for an orientation angle close to 0*. 
Figure 6. a) The co-polar and b) the cross-polar signature of the 
Furthermore, this signature is similar to that of the vegetation - 
dipole like scattering — presenting, however, lesser intensity 
values. Dipoles are formed along the runway by the 
contribution of two scattering types, dihedral and surfaces. 
This occurs because a resolution cell can represent either a 
grass to ground interaction which denotes the double scattering 
mechanism, or a uniform smooth area which denotes the 
runway surface. In the runway cross-polar signature (figure 6), 
the case of 7/4 titled dihedrals is slightly presented. 
3.2 Interpretation of the Pauli signatures 
The Pauli components are computed as following: 
Pauli 12 8, 758 
Pauli 2 = 
Pauli 3 = 
i (16) 
S In d: 5 vh 
S hh + S 
where Paulil denotes the even bounce component, Pauli2 the 
45? titled even bounce component, and Pauli3 the odd bounce 
component. For each of the 3 components we calculate the 
absolute value, we scale it with an exponent of 0.7 and assign a 
color. Red color is assigned to Paulil, green to Pauli2, and blue 
to Pauli 3. Pauli signatures are extracted from the color 
composition of the three components. 
For the urban area the red color, i.e. dihedrals, dominates 
(figure 7). The orientation of the streets is consequently 
extracted. Surface scattering type (green) and 45" titled 
dihedrals (blue) are less presented. There are also areas in 
which all the scattering mechanisms detected by the Pauli 
method are simultaneously presented. These areas are shown 
with white 
Figure 7. Color composition of the Pauli analysis for the a) 
urban, b) forest, c) vegetation, and d) runway class 

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