Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
color. In the forest signature, colors are equally presented, i.e. 
none of the scattering mechanisms which are detected by the 
Pauli method, dominates. In the vegetation signature, the blue 
colour dominates. This means that the surface scattering type is 
the most presented. The runway signature is presented by dark 
tones. This means that none of the scattering type dominates. 
4.1 Classification based on original polarimetric data 
Based on the absolute value of the Sy, and S,, and (Sy, + Syn)/2 
of the polarimetric components, we applied the supervised 
Maximum Likelihood classifier in order to classify the study 
area into four classes: urban, forest, vegetation, and runways. 
Classification was applied a) on raw data and b) on data without 
speckle, generated by the application of the Lee filter. In order 
to investigate the most appropriate window size, we first 
applied the Lee filter 9 times, each time increasing the size of 
the widow by a step equal to 2. The windows used were 3x3, 
5x5, ... 17x17. Then classifications were performed, and their 
accuracy was calculated based on a set of test areas. The total 
accuracy of the classification applied on the raw data is 83.60%, 
and the results obtained after the Lee filter application are given 
in figure 8. 
% Toatal accuracy 
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
The window size 
Figure 9. % Total accuracy of the polarimetric data based 
classification as a function of the size of the Lee filter 
We observe that the highest accuracy, 91%, is obtained for a 
window size 15x15. In this classification, the accuracy obtained 
for the class of the: urban area is 45,84%, forest 94.72%, 
vegetation 95.43%, and runway 99.32%. The urban class is 
most confused with the forest. Although the polarization 
signatures of the two categories are quite different (figure 3 and 
4), due to the fact that Bayes classifier is based on the 
magnitudes only, the urban and forest classes are confused. For 
the other classes, the magnitude based classification produces 
high accuracies. 
4.2 Classification based on Pauli decomposition analysis 
Bayes classifier was also applied on the absolute values of the 
three Pauli decomposition components, by using the same 
training set as in the previous classification. Classification was 
applied a) on the initial Pauli components, and b) on the Pauli 
components after the application of the Lee filter. The most 
appropriate window size was investigated by the method 
described in the previous section. Accuracy was tested by the 
same test set as in the previous classification. The total 
accuracy of the classification applied on the initial Pauli 
components is 80.00%, and the results obtained after the Lee 
filter application are given in figure 9. 
% Total acaracy 
œ c 
o o 
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 
Me window size 
Figure 9. % Total accuracy of the Pauli based classification as 
a function of the size of the Lee filter 
We observe that the highest accuracy, 91.4196, is obtained for a 
window size 23x23. In this classification, the accuracy obtained 
for the class of the: urban area is 81,0896, forest 78.06%, 
vegetation 97.3596, and runway 99.0195. The urban and forest 
classes are confused. Although the accuracy for the urban class 
is significantly increased in comparison to the classification 
based on original polarimetric data, the accuracy of the forest 
class is reduced. The scattering mechanisms that Pauli 
decomposition analyzes, and especially the even bounce and 
45? titled even bounce mechanisms, reinforce the discrimination 
of the urban class. On the other hand, the weakness of the Pauli 
decomposition in analyzing the volume scattering mechanism 
(based on dipoles) affects the accuracy for the forest class, 
which is analyzed on the basis of dihedrals. For the other 
classes, the Pauli based classification produces high accuracies. 
4.3 Classification based on original and Pauli 
decomposition analysis 
To reduce confusion between urban and forest areas, Bayes 
classifier was applied on the absolute values of the a) 
polarimetric data, and b) data generated by Pauli decomposition 
analysis. In this way, odd and even bounce scattering 
mechanisms, as well as, original full polarimetric information 
participate in a magnitude based classification. Classification 
was applied a) on the initial data, and b) on data after the 
application of the Lee filter. The most appropriate window size 
was investigated by the method described in section 4.l. 
Accuracy was tested by the same test set as in the previous 
classification. The total accuracy of the classification applied on 
the initial data is 82.14%, and the results obtained after the Lee 
filter application are given in figure 10. 
% Total accuracy 
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19°: 21 23 
The window size 
Figure 10. % Total accuracy of the classification as a function 
of the size of the Lee filter 
We observe that the highest accuracy, 91.53%, is obtained for a 
window size 23x23. In this classification the accuracy obtained 
for the class of the: urban area is 81,65%, forest 78.3 1%, 
vegetation 97.20%, and runway 99.25%. The accuracy of the 
urban class is slightly increased although urban and forest class 
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