Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
After analyzing, the main land use change styles of Mu-Za 
district can be classified into three categories: (1) parent- 
polygon is divided into 2 or more children-polygons based on À à 
| vertical (or horizontal) principle border, such as shown in 3 : 
Figure 3; (2) parent-polygon is divded into several children- 
polygons based on 2 or more vertical (or horizontal) principle 
borders, such as shown in Figure 4; (3) several polygons are 
merged to one polygon, such as shown in Figure 5. Letters A, B, 
C, etc. in Figure 3, 4, and 5 denote the varied land use styles. 
Island Style 
À u—ÁÀ À : A 
Figure 1. No border merging relationship between parent- 
polygon and children-polygons. 
Extension Style 
A IB ss 3 A 
Merging Styls 
i A 
À À 
Figure 2. With border merging relationship between parent- BH 
polygon and children-polygons. 
Figure 5. Category 3 of land use change styles of Mu-Za area 
4.2 Land 
Change St 
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Figure 7 st 
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A007, and , 
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Figure 9. TI 
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points AOT 
Figure 6.

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