Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The received image was subjected to radiometric correction 
using VTT’s in-house software (smac_corr.exe) using the 
coefficients from Space Imaging (2004). 
Figure 1 Ikonos true color image from Suonenjoki, acquisition 
date 5.9.2003. The test image area depicted with red square 
Figure 2 Ikonos False color image of Suonenjoki test area (R — 
NIR chn., G = green chn., B — blue chn., 1 = intensity layer = 
PAN chn.) 
2.2 Ground data 
The Suonenjoki Research Station of the Finnish Forest 
Research Institute has measured 327 sample plots for 7 
rariables for different tree species in summer 2001. The 
Suonenjoki ground data was thoroughly examined visually to 
exclude ground sample plots that distort or cause error to the 
estimation process. 
A total of 74 data points were removed from the original ground 
data set (327 points) after a careful visual inspection. These 
data points were considered as erroneous or were too close to 
borders of very different ground segments. A set of 43 points of 
zero (39 points) or near zero (4 points) data were added on 
areas regarded as clear cuts or fields with zero total stem 
volume. In the resulting ground data set there were thus 296 
sample plots (see Figure 3). 
Figure 3 Ground data points after data exploration. Plot color 
proportional to stem volume (dark/blue V = 0 m3/ha,bright/ red 
V = 435 m3/ha) 
3.1 Feature extraction 
The spectral features averaged from the radiometrically 
corrected Ikonos channels together with the contextual features 
calculated from the Ikonos PAN-chromatic channel form the 
input feature set to the Forestime estimation process. 
The test feature set contained five Haralick features (Haralick, 
et. al. 1973): contrast, entropy, inverse difference moment, 
homogeneity, and sum average. The associated grey-level co- 
occurrence matrix has been calculated for a 15 x 15 pixel 
window, and with distance relation of one pixel in both image 
directions. The occurrences in the four possible pixel separation 
combinations were summed together i.e. the direction 
information is lost. The co-occurrence matrix was calculated for 
a compressed image of 16 grey levels. 
In addition to the Haralick features, a set of four Gabor features 
were calculated from the PAN-chromatic channel of the Ikonos 
image, using a bank of even-symmetric real-valued Gabor filter 
masks (Jain & F. Farrokhnia, 1991). In the method a set of 
Gabor filters, covering the image spatial-frequency domain 
nearly uniformly, are generated, and a filtered multi-channel 
image is produced from the input image. 
The tree location tool is determines tree crown locations using 
the local maximum filtering (LM filtering) technique on the 
Ikonos PAN-chromatic channel (Wulder, et.al, 2002). The 
Forestime averaging tool then produces a segmentwise local 
maximum density feature as its output. The tree species 
proportions tool registers the tree reflectance from the Ikonos 
image spectral channels at the locations given by the tree 
location tool. Near-infrared reflectance of the nearest pixel of 
each located stem is used to determine whether the tree is 
broad-leaved or a conifer. If near-infrared reflectance exceeds 
the given threshold the tree is labelled as broad-leaved, 
of broad 
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