Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
At the current state Forestime lacks some key features and 
functionality is still missing (e.g. the necessary user interaction 
in the estimation process modeling) However, with a 
reasonable effort Forestime can be developed into a fully- 
featured operative forest variable estimation tool. 
The results from the forest variable estimation tests show that 
the relative errors stem volume and stem diameter estimates are 
relatively small, while stem number and tree species 
proportions estimates give higher errors. The upper limit for 
stem volume estimates with the Forestime is around 300 m3/ha, 
while with previous estimates the limit has been somewhere 
between 200 m3/ha and 250 m3/ha. The large errors in the tree 
species proportions are partly due to the fact that the proportion 
of the broad-leaved trees is quite small in the ground data set. 
The ground data validity is essential: the removal of erroneous 
data points, and points residing too close to the border of very 
different segments improved the estimate accuracy drastically. 
The plot data obtained using a regular sampling grid is not 
optimal for a system using segmentwise averaged feature 
vectors as its inputs. The usage of this kind of ground data 
requires additional manipulation and probably also removal of 
relatively many sample data points. The best option would be 
accurate standwise data with the average stand size close to 
average Forestime segment size. In the future the availability of 
accurate reference data obtained by airborne imaging may 
prove useful. One has to remember also that the amount of the 
ground data together with the range of the target variables 
affects directly to the accuracy of the estimates. 
In HighForest study VTT implemented the prototype version of 
a modular software tool for forest variable estimation 
(Forestime v. 1.0). Even if the functionality, speed and the 
resource consumption of the implemented software are still 
very limited, the operational tests have shown the feasibility of 
the system. The software was tested as a stand-alone system, as 
well as an external application program from commercial 
software through the API. The operation of Forestime was as 
expected and the objective for the software implementation was 
well achieved. 
Summarizing the results of forest variable estimation with 
Forestime v 1.0, it can be stated that the objective to reduce the 
reflectance saturation effect was achieved partly, as well as the 
objective for accurate tree species estimation. The best results 
were achieved using the spectral channels and the Haralick 
entropy as input features. These are the recommended inputs for 
the use of the system as its present form. The estimation speed 
can still be improved, if only the spectral channels are used. 
In the produced forest variable estimations, the target data 
variance in the clusters is relatively large, which leads to 
averaged estimates. One main issue of the future studies will be 
the possibility to reduce the variance using different kind of 
clustering, e.g. by taking the target variable information into the 
process, and its effect on estimate accuracy. The future 
development of the system should also focus on taking full 
advantage of the contextual features in segmentation, and on 
introducing means for easy ground reference data exploration. 
The development of feature bank concept for the wide 
operational use of the system is also regarded as one key 
development areas of Forestime system. 
The project was conducted in co-operation of four Finnish 
parties: the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), the 
University of Helsinki (HY), Stora Enso Forest Consulting 
(SEFC), and Gisnet Solutions Finland Oy. The HighForest 
project had two parallel studies: the satellite image study (VTT) 
and the aerial image study (HY). The Suonenjoki Research 
Station of the Finnish Forest Research Institute (FFRI) provided 
the sample plot ground data (measured in summer 2001) for the 
system verification. Sixty percent of the funding was granted by 
the National Technology Agency of Finland (Tekes). 
Haralick., R.M.; Shanmugam, K.; Dinstein, I. 1973: Textural 
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Narendra, P.M., Goldberg, M. 1980. Image segmentation with 
directed trees. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and 
Machine Intelligence, Vol. PAMI-2, Nr. 2, March 1980. 
Hime, T.; Stenberg, P.; Rauste, Y. A methodology to estimate 
forest variables at sub-pixel level. - Conference on Remote 
Sensing and Forest Monitoring. Rogow, PL, 1 - 3 June 1999. 
European Communities (2000), s. 451 - 461. 
Hime, T.; Stenberg, P.; Andersson, K.; Rauste, Y.; Kennedy, 
P.; Folving, S.; Sarkeala, J.. AVHRR-based forest proportion 
map of the Pan-European area. - Remote Sensing of 
Environment. (2001) 77, s. 76 - 91. 
Parmes, E.; Lohi, A.; Häme, T.; Holm, M.; Väätäinen, S. 2000. 
Pienkuvioittaisen tiedon tuottaminen metsistä 
kaukokartoituksen avulla. Loppuraportti VTT Automaatio, 
Parmes, E. 1992. Segmentation of Spot and Landsat satellite 
imagery. The Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, Vol. 13, Nr. 
1, 1992. pp. 52 — 58. 
Wulder, M.; Niemann, K.O.; Goodenough, D.G. 2002: error 
reduction methods for local maximum filtering of high spatial 
resolution imagery for locating trees, Canadian Journal of 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 621-628 
References from websites: 
Space Imaging; IKONOS Relative Spectral Response and 
Radiometric Cal Coefficients ©2004 Space Imaging, Inc., 
“ Corresr 
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