Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
relationship between the reflectance spectra and LAI in close 
canopy situation. For this purpose, a laboratory experiment was 
conducted to measure the reflectance spectra of the vegetation 
sample that simulates various level of LAI using a portable 
Vegetation samples of different LAI values were prepared by 
stacking multiple-layers of evergreen broad leaves (Euonymus 
Japonicus Thunb). As seen in Figure 1, the multiple-layers of 
leaves fill the field of view (FOV) of the spectro-radiometer. 
Since each leaf has approximately the same size, the total area 
of leaves and the LAI can be easily calculated. Total of 15 
samples were simulated and LAI value ranges from 1 to 6 with 
an interval of approximately 0.25. Every sample was fully 
covered by these leaves to simulate the close canopy situation 
and there was no influence from the background soil. 
Figure 1. A vegetation sample to simulate known LAI within 
the FOV (black line) of the spectro-radiometer. 
Reflectance spectra were measured using a portable spectro- 
radiometer (GER 2600), which can measure spectral 
reflectance over the wavelength region between 350nm and 
2,500nm. Spectral reflectance were measured at 140cm height 
with a 10 degree FOV lens. The actual size of the FOV for the 
spectro-radiometer did not exactly correspond to simple 
trigonometry calculation and it looks an ellipse shape with 
diameters of 24cm and 18cm. 
At each measurement, the spectro-radiometer actually provides 
percent reflectance value for each of 612 continuous bands over 
the wavelength from 350nm and 2,500nm. The simplest 
statistical investigation was calculation of a band-by-band 
correlation between spectral reflectance value and LAI of the 
vegetation sample. Because each wavelength band represented 
a different combination of spectral strengths and weaknesses, 
discrepancies in correlation at particular wavelengths might 
provide us particular spectral qualities for estimating LAL 
We also compared sample LAI values with normalized 
difference vegetation index (NDVI). Since spectral 
measurements by the spectro-radiometer give us many adjacent 
bands within the spectrum of red and near infrared wavelengths, 
several combinations of NDVI calculation are possible. 
However, as Teillet ct al. (1997) pointed out, NDVI is not very 
sensitive to the location of any particular wavelength within the 
red and near-infrared spectra. Two spectral reflectance 
measurements at 655nm and 846nm were used to calculate 
ETM+ Reflectance and Field-Measured LAI 
From the laboratory experiment to compare reflectance spectra 
and LAI in close canopy situation, further analysis was 
conducted using actual multispectral image and field-measured 
LAL The study area selected was a relatively small watershed 
covering an area of approximately 500 km? of mixed 
coniferous and deciduous forests in central part of the Korean 
Peninsula. The temperate mixed forest has diverse group of 
species composition and stand ages between 20 to 50 years old 
and the canopy closure is over 80%. One third of the forest 
lands are plantation pine stands (Pinus koraiensis, Pinus rigida, 
and Larix leptolepis) and the remainin g two third of forests are 
natural stands of mixed deciduous species. 
During the growing season of 2003, 30 ground sample plots 
were selected and species, LAI, stand density, and stand height 
were measured (Figure 2). Each plot has an area of 20 x 20 m? 
and includes five subplots for LAI measurement within it. All 
subplot measurements were averaged to provide a single value 
for the LAI at each plot. Plot locations were determined using a 
differential global positioning system (GPS). LAI values were 
measured using an optical device (Li-Cor LAI 2000) at 30 
ground plots. To minimize any discrepancies due to the 
phenological variation of leaf development, the field 
measurements were conducted as close to the date of satellite 
data acquisition. Although the May 8" of satellite data 
acquisition is slightly earlier than the field measurement (late 
June to early July), we believe that it did not cause any serious 
problem since the leaf development in 2003 started very early 
and the canopy condition between May and June was not much 
Figure 2. Distribution of 30 forest stands of LAI measurements 
within the study area of the Kyongan Watershed. 
For the study, we obtained Landsat-7 ETM+ data acquired on 
May 8, 2003. ETM+ images were  geo-referenced, 

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