Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
"Technology Push' rather than 'Application pull' leads to import/ 
implement technology not appropriate to the social 
settings/matching solutions 'Ethno-Science' to be improved 
by 'Techno-Science' (i.e. "Technology push") for more responsive 
landuse/ landcover practices to protect natural resources in 
relation to changing socio-economic environment. 
Case history examples from eastern India — 
e Interlinking of rivers: ‘inter basin’/’intra basin transfers’ — 
existing big dams/ reservoirs to combat floods and droughts as 
well as to increase agricultural production — a subjective 
approach? In eastern India Gandak barrage, Kosi barrage, 
Farakka barrage exemplifies salinization, water logging, soil 
degradation, bank erosion, river bed level rise etc. — reflects on 
the change in landuse/ landcover pattern through space and time. 
For example, the Ganga River has shifted towards east in the 
upstream of Farakka Barrage causing bank failure since 1975 
i.e. after construction of circuit embankment in the Bhutnir Char 
(encircling river island / permanent channel bar) in 1972 and 
Farakka Barrage subsequently, as revealed from the analysis of 
sequential satellite images and Survey of India (SOI) toposheets 
of 1970’s (Chakrabarti, 1998). In this regard, it may be 
mentioned that the words ‘inter basin’ / ‘intra basin’ invite 
special attention towards nature’s own built system as a river 
basin / watershed is a distinct hydrological unit in the context of 
‘Hydrological Cycle’. Any change in water — sediment — 
vegetation regime of the watershed due to natural or 
anthropogenic reasons may cause substantial changes in river 
morphology as well as stability of the area which in turn may 
badly affect the present day landuse/ landcover i.e. built up land, 
crop land, forest etc. For example, in the later part of the 18th 
century (1787 ?), due to some geological reasons (tectonic 
activities coupled with landslides), the Tista river changed its 
course and joined Brahmaputra river instead of debouching in 
the Ganga river (cf. Ferguson, 1912; Roy, 1952; Bhattacharyya, 
1959; Chowdhury and Kamal, 1996) and the three distributaries 
of the Tista river viz. Punarbhava, Atrai and Karotoya rivers 
were not receiving any water from the Tista river as it was 
earlier (Chakrabarti, 2004). As a consequence, one may find 
shrinkages in channel width, cut off meanders/ wet lands and 
change in cropping pattern in the area. Historical accounts also 
reveal that the changing course of Kosi, Mahananda rivers in the 
Himalayan foot hill region of eastern India made the 'Gauda — 
Lakhmanbati — Pandua' kingdom uninhabited due to water 
logging etc. (cf. Roy, 1952). 
In this context programmes viz. "Integrated Mission for 
Sustainable Development" (IMSD), “Natural Resources 
Information System" (NRIS), of Deptt. Of Space and "Natural 
Resources Development & Management System" (NRDMS), 
Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India are ideal 
Under these programmes 'geoinformation' in village/ mouza 
level (i.e. the lowest administrative unit) on micro-watershed 
basis have been generated for agro-ecological development 
minimizing the adverse effect of drought and flood hazards 
mainly through technological adjustment and social adaptations 
(Table — 1, 2, 3) 
Pilot scale implementation of the ‘generated database’ (both 
physical and socio-economic) have proved successful in Indian 
scenario with agro ecological characterization ^ agricultural 
environment analysis and biodiversity conservation, minimizing 
the adverse effects of natural hazards (e.g. droughts, floods), 
land degradation etc. 
In view of that developmental planning on watershed basis may 
be considered as a form of maintaining the landscape ecology 
where a compromise is sought between the development in 
catchments and conservation of natural resources (both land and 
water resources) including biological diversity (cf. Meijerink, 
However, it may be mentioned that terrain based ‘area specific’ 
intra and/or inter-basin transfer of river water seems unavailable 
to support ‘watershed development’ programme. 
e Along the east coast of India, cultivable land / salt pans of the 
lower estuarine plain/ coastal belt 
e Are being used for brackish water fish farming, especially, 
prawn cultivation (e.g. Digha Mohona; Bengal salt factory area, 
Dadanpatrabar, Medinipur district (E), West Bengal) — 'easy-to- 
fetch' money but likely to increase salinity of the surrounding 
fields and groundwater as well as accelerate long lasting water 
logging situation during cyclone/ storm upsurge. 
The aforesaid discussion reflects on the necessity of the ‘Geo- 
environmental mapping’ concept as ‘Application pull’ rather as 
‘Technology push’ through fine tuning of the baseline data 
already generated under the above mentioned programmes 
towards sustainable landuse planning in human orientation. 
Geo-environmental studies being a multivariate/ multiscale 
approach the following steps may lead to success in reality: 
e Systematic identification of the TMU/ NSU and GEI/GEU 
using RS data with ground truthing — need knowledge- 
based expertise. 
e Selection and proper weight input to the 'indicators' to 
construct index model — require basic scientific rigour. 
e Appropriate integration of different parameters (both 
spatial and non-spatial) in GIS environment — demand 
trained multidisciplinary personnel in handling and 
processing the data. 
Cavallin, A et. al; 1995- Geomorphology and environmental 
impact assessment : a methodologic approach. ITC Jour. 1995- 
4. pp 308-310. 
Chakrabarti, P; 1991- Process-Response system analysis in the 
macrotidal estuarine and mesotidal coastal plain of eastern India. 
Geol. Soc. India. Mem. No.22. pp. 165-181. 
Chakrabarti, P. ; 1995 - Evolutionary history of Coastal 
Quaternaries of Bengal plain. Proc. INSA, Part 61A. No. 5. pp. 
Chakrabarti, P.; 1998 - Changing courses of Ganga-Padma river 
system, West Bengal, India — RS data usage in user orientation. 
Jour.River Behavious & Control. Vol. 25. pp. 19-28. 
Chakrabarti, P; 1998 - Geoinformatics in environmental impact 
assessment — a parametric approach. Indian Jour. Earth Science. 
Presidency College, Calcutta. Vol — 25. No. 1-4. pp. 108-114. 

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