M. Voorons^ *, Y. Voirin", G. B. Bénié", K. Fung®
“ Centre d'applications et de recherches en télédétection (CARTEL), 2500 boul. de l'Université Sherbrooke (Québec)
? Centre Canadien de télédétection, Division Acquisition des données, 588 rue Booth Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0Y7,
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Vision, Analysis, Algorithms, Texture Segmentation, High Resolution, Multifractal, CDROM
The availability of very high spatial resolution images in remote sensing brings the texture segmentation of images to a higher level
of complexity. Such images have so many details that the classical segmentation algorithms fail to achieve good results. In the case
of IKONOS images of forest areas, a texture can be so different within a same class that it becomes very difficult even for a human
to segment or interpret those images. The study of the high frequency content of the data seems to be a good way to study those
images. We work on a new method which uses the singularity information to achieve the segmentation. It is based on the
computation of the Hólder regularity exponent at each point in the image. From this parameter we can compute the local Legendre
or the large deviation multifractal spectrum which gives information about the geometric distribution of the singularities in the
image. So we use global and local descriptors of the regularity of the signal as input parameters to a k-means algorithm. The whole
algorithm is described and applied to IKONOS images as well as to an image made of brodatz textures. The segmentation results are
compared to those obtained from the laws filters and the co-occurrence parameters techniques. The proposed method gives better
results and is even able to segment the image in tree density classes.
1. INTRODUCTION have any a priori information about the nature of the grey level
distribution of those objects. Pentland, (Pentland, 1984),
Very high spatial resolution images provide a huge amount of showed that the fractal dimension is a good tool to study natural
details and information. Thus, it is possible to extract new scenes, but this kind of analysis reach its limits when the image
thematic classes and to detect smaller objects. But all those is strongly irregular. On the opposite, the multifractal analysis
advantages are strongly tied to a major drawback from an image is the perfect tool to analyze signals having a highly varying
processing point of view. The processing of such images regularity from point to point.
becomes very tricky; the local variability of the grey level
values and the large number of data is a limiting factor for most It is to circumvent all these problems and to bring a new
of the classical analysis tools. Even the visual interpretation is approach to the segmentation of remote sensing images that we
not obvious and needs experience to recognize each region. propose a method based on the analysis of the fractals
Therefore, new segmentation algorithms have to be created in components of the image. No a priori knowledge of the image
order to achieve good classification results with high spatial is required and it enables to study simultaneously the local and
resolution images. Classical segmentation tools fail to give global regularity of a signal by the means of the Holder
homogeneous segments and usually give very sparse results exponent and the multifractal spectrum. The singularities often
where the classes are not compact. To overcome those issues, it carry most of the information contained in a signal. It is
seems appropriate to use a textural analysis approach. Thus, for generally possible, for a human being, to determine the nature
each pixel, we study the neighbourhood and not only the grey of an object only from its boundaries and its texture. Many
level value. works are dedicated to the analysis of the "high frequencies"
components of an image. Edge density, Zero crossing analysis
Image segmentation based on texture is a complex problem. ^ and every method based on the gradient of an image are not
Many theories were developed but their all result in partial ^ efficient to characterize textures sufficiently well to give
solution to the problem. None can fully characterize all the kind ^ satisfactory segmentation results for this type of image. They do
of textures. Even the definition of a texture is not clearly ^ not take into account the nature of the singularities of the signal
defined. Depending on the field of application and the nature of nor even their spatial distribution, while the multifractal
the image, the definition of a texture can be very different. Co- analysis does.
occurrence matrices (Haralick e/ al, 1973), Markov random
fields (Chellappa and Chatterjee, 1985), Gabor filters (Turner, ^ In a first section we will recall the basics of the multifractal
1986), the fractal analysis (Kaplan, 1999), etc. are tools which analysis, then we will describe the proposed segmentation
are not able to analyze all the textures. In the particular case of method and finally, before concluding, we will comment and
very high spatial resolution images, the high variability of the expose some results which are compared to classical
grey level of each thematic objects prevent from using the segmentation results.
previously quoted analysis methods. Furthermore, we do not
* Corresponding author.
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