Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
global analysis. Thus, it is not adapted to analyze the spatial 
distribution of discontinuities. However, the wavelet transform 
(Daubechies, 1992) enables to locally analyze a signal in time 
and frequency, and therefore to compute the local regularity of 
a signal. 
In (Abry et al, 2001), it is shown that the continuous wavelet 
transform is an efficient tool for the computation of the Hólder 
exponent of a signal. For an accurate estimate of the Hólder 
exponent of a function, it is better to use only the maxima lines 
of the wavelet coefficients (the Wavelet Transform Modulus 
Maxima method) as introduced in (Mallat and Hwang, 1992; 
Muzy et al, 1993). 
However, for the segmentation of an image, we need to 
estimate this exponent in each point of the image; therefore this 
method is not appropriate. Moreover, it is not the accuracy of 
the estimation which is important in our case, but rather the 
discriminating power of the resulting multifractal spectrum. 
The choice of the wavelet basis is important. It should have a 
sufficiently large number of vanishing moments to eliminate the 
polynomial trends present in the signal. These polynomial 
trends are sometimes so important that it is impossible to study 
the local singularities of the signal. The more the wavelet basis 
has vanishing moments, the larger the degree of the polynomial 
we can get rid off. The wavelet basis must also have a relatively 
small support size, in order to preserve the local aspect of the 
analysis. It is desirable that the value of the wavelet transform 
of a function in a point depends only on the values of this 
function in its vicinity. A more complete study on the choice of 
the wavelet basis is made in (Turiel, 1998). 
It was proved that for a multifractal signal g, its wavelet 
o. : J S 
coefficients d. are such that at the location ¥ and for the scale 
r , we have: 
2 9 ; 
Ea, Gr) - r7" when r0, (7) 
2: : 
where Ea, .r) is the mean of the squared wavelet 
Thus, the wavelet coefficients follow a power law and the 
Hólder exponent can be estimated as the slope of the regression 
line of the points (logr,log(E|d, (Er) - Therefore, 
according to the definition of the Hôlder regularity, it is the 
decrease of the amplitude of the wavelet coefficients through 
the scales which characterizes the local regularity of a signal. 
3.1 Principle 
The proposed algorithm is based on the idea that an image can 
be divided into sets of points having a similar singularity 
spectrum. We make the assumption that a texture is a particular 
combination of Holder exponents. In other words, a texture 
consists of singularities and the nature and the spatial 
distribution of these singularities are enough to entirely 
characterize this texture. 
The proposed method is based on the estimation of the 
spectrum fi; in each point of the image. The formulas given in 
the previous sections are used. The spectrum is not computed 
on the whole image, but on a sliding window of fixed. size. 
During the computation of the spectrum we also introduce a 
weighting filter. It represents the distance of the point studied 
compared to the nearest singularity. Its coefficients are 
computed as follows: 
weight = ———p—p=— 8 
; dist(x X) + e 
where E. and E are the coordinate vectors of respectively, the 
pixel for which we compute the spectrum and the nearest 
à jp L 
singularity location. dist(a,b) corresponds to the Euclidean 
; p Lb 
distance between vectors à and 5. 
This weighting filter was introduced in order to prevent all the 
points in the neighbourhood of a singularity to have the same 
spectrum. To some extent, this factor takes into account the 
neighbourhood of the singularity by affecting a decreasing 
weight according to the distance. 
Obviously, the local analysis of a signal is very important, 
because an image is made of several thematic classes, each one 
having its own texture. If a particular discontinuity is rather rare 
in a class, it can be much more frequent in another. Locally, the 
histogram of the singularities of a texture can be very different 
according to the class that is studied. Therefore, to achieve a 
good segmentation result, it is necessary to take account of 
both, the strength and the spatial distribution of the 
An interesting advantage of the multifractal analysis is that it is 
completely independent of the grey level values of the image. 
Therefore, it is not affected by the low frequency variations of 
the grey levels within a class. As this method is based on the 
local spectrum multifractal, we name it the LMS method in the 
remainder of this article. In (Arduini et a/, 1991; Kam and 
Blanc-Talon, 1999), methods of image classification based on 
multifractal tools were proposed and give interesting results 
based on different ideas. 
The method that we propose is unsupervised and is based on the 
k-means clustering algorithm, therefore only the number of 
classes in the image is required as input to the method. 
3.2 The method parameters 
The first step of this algorithm is the computation of the wavelet 
transform of the image. A two-dimensional "Mexican hat" 
wavelet is used, but other tests with the Morlet wavelet lead to 
similar results. We chose to use the continuous wavelet 
transform rather than the discrete one because it better fits the 
needs for the analysis, which are a high degree of accuracy and 
invariance under translation. The redundant information present 
in the continuous wavelet transform enables to compute more 
robust estimators, and thus to have a better stability of the 
estimate. Tests showed that 5 to 8 levels of decomposition were 
sufficient to obtain good segmentation results. The Hôlder 
exponents were computed for each point of the image by linear 
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