Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
In Figure 16, the automatically detected changes of the building 
block can be seen. Obviously not only the artificially imple- 
mented changes are visible. Furthermore, some objects inside 
the building block, are not modelled correctly in the 3D-city 
model. The biggest change is visible at the south-east corner of 
the building block. The roof of this building is wrongly shaped 
in the city model (see Figure 17). 
Figure 17. Orthoimage (left) and erroneous shaped 3D-model 
The errors and the incompleteness of the 3D-city model results 
in a lot distortions in the change-detection process. The real 
SAR image differs in many ways from the simulated image. For 
example, objects not contained in the model, may interfere the 
analysis. In Figure 13, this problem can be seen. The layover 
area of the building is influenced by the backscatter from the 
kerb near the building. In this case, those areas are overlapping 
and this is no problem. For an even taller building, the kerb in 
the middle of the street would have merged with the layover 
area, indicating a much larger layover area and disturbing the 
Altogether the change detection based on SAR simulated im- 
ages of 3D-models works pretty well using high-quality 3D- 
models. The main problem of change detection applications 
using SAR and other types of data is the geo-referencing. By 
simulating the 3D-models and using the simulated image as 
basis for the geo-referencing, a highly-accurate geo-referencing 
is possible. The change-detection works well after the success- 
ful geo-referencing, but still errors in the model itself are 
remaining. For example, the detected changes in Figure 16 are 
mainly based on errors in the used 3D-city model. 
A prerequisite of every change detection operation is the geo- 
referencing of the different datasets. Combining SAR data with 
data acquired by different sensors, the geo-referencing of these 
different data types is problematic. SAR systems are side- 
looking systems with run-time geometry. Therefore the SAR 
geometry of SAR images differ a lot from optical images or GIS 
datasets. The different imaging properties have to be consid- 
A SAR simulator can be used to transform the 3D-models into 
the SAR image space. Comparing the real SAR image and the 
simulated SAR image of the 3D-model, a meaningful change- 
detection is possible. This comparison can be used to automati- 
cally geo-reference SAR images to SAR simulated images of 
3D-models. Using GDF-street data the initial geo-referencing of 
the SAR image could be improved from an offset of about 
150m to around 6m. Using 3D-models the offset could be re- 
duced to 1.5m, although the used model was quite erroneous. 
For a successful change detection using SAR images, it is most 
useful to rely the detection on 3D-data instead of using 2D-data. 
The side-looking property of a SAR system makes it most im- 
portant to regard the 3D-shape of the analysed object. The 
simulated image of the 3D-models, created by a SAR simulator, 
can be compared to the real SAR image and as a result of this 
comparison changes may be detected automatically. The final 
result of the change detection depends on the quality and com- 
pleteness of the 3D-model simulated for the comparison. Fur- 
thermore errors in the real image and during the SAR simula- 
tion can disturb the result of the change detection. 
The side-looking sensor principle of SAR is unfavourable for 
urban environments, compared to aerial imagery or LIDAR. 
Unfortunately in those environments any detection can be pre- 
vented by occlusions and disturbed by ambiguities. Under some 
circumstances no change detections is possible at all, using 
SAR. For time-critical applications SAR is anyhow still the best 
alternative, especially during the night or under bad weather 
We thank the EADS Dornier GmbH for providing us with the 
simulated and real SAR data and for their help in making this 
work possible. 
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