International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
Using Arcview GIS 3.2 software, the information acquired by
the hyperspectral techniques were overlaid on morphologic data
and on the historical road network map.
The testing area shows a variable morphologic state. The
altimetric range is between 380 and 850 m. Interpolating the
level curves of the vector Regional Map at a scale of 1:10,000 a
DTM with 10 m grid-cell was generated. From DTM slope map
with 3 classes was obtained: between 0% and 10%, between
10% and 20% and between 30 % and the maximum slope value
in the testing area (fig.6).
Taking in consideration that the probability of finding
archaeological settlements decreases if the slope increases, a
numeric value was given to each slope class as higher as the
class value is less. In particular to the first class was given the
10 value, to the second 6 value and to the third the 2 value.
Figure 6. Slope map
For the rebuilding of the historical road network the historical
maps were taken in consideration (Jtinerarium Antonini e
Tabula | Peuntingeriana), which give information on the
principal crossing routes in the III-IV century Sicily. Those
routes were crossed with the “Regie Trazzere" and other paths
of minor importance so the location of antique routes could be
conjectured, nowadays removed. P. Orsi, famous archaeologist
in Sicily of the first of XIX century, wrote that: *.... almost all
the old Regie Trazzere were the bad and big roads of the Greek
and Roman antiquity". The road information is important
because it is possible that along the connection roads, other
archaeological settlements could be finding.
The roads individuated were digitized and a map with three
classes was done. Each class contains the roads with the same
historical importance; subsequently, greater is the historical
importance of the classis and higher numerical value given to
the class; also in this case, the values 10, 6 and 2 were chosen.
Interpolating this information a map was done in a raster
format, where the nearer pixel to historical road network the
higher numeric value given to the pixel (fig. 7).
All information acquired were overlaid: in particular a synthesis
map relative to the Villa del Casale area and to Sofiana area,
which contain hyperspectral information, the slope map and
historical road network map were put together to obtain one
unique map where the greater the probability to find settlements
archaeological and the higher numeric value of the pixel. The
figure 8 shows a particularity of the overlay of pixel, of red
colour, with high probability of the presence of buried
structures, in the MIVIS streak in real colours. Observing the
figure two areas are characterised by a greater presence of red
Figure 8 Prediction map of archaeological finds
overlaid on MIVIS image