Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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L. H. A. Lopes*, C. Loch ^ H.-P. Bühr* 
? Departamento de Desenho, Setor de Ciéncias Exatas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil, 
? Laboratório de Fotogrametria, Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, 
Centro Tecnológico, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil, 
¢ Institut fiir Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 
Commission VII, WG VII/4 
KEY WORDS: Cartography, Developing Countries, Disaster, Impact Analysis, Mapping, Planning, Thematic, Urban 
The worldwide production of potable water represents a without cease enormous challenge. Each year 80 million new persons seek 
their rights for aqueous resources over the earth surface. Unhappily almost three billion new inhabitants for the next fifty years will 
be born in | 
ands where scarcity of water is already nowadays present. Brazilians seem not worried with their water reserves 
forgetting that one deal with a renewable but not inexhaustible wealth. As the administration of urban occupation process reveals its 
inadequacy in terms of capacity to face water provision in a situation of demand bigger than supply, it is noticeable the conflict 
between the concessionary company, the municipal public government and citizens of the community, reaching to a point of real 
degradation of urban, environmental, social, sanitary and economic conditions which culminate in an urban catastrophe. Adding 
problem is the exodus from rural communi 
centres. Water is becoming an expensive 
ties and from big cities whose inhabitants search for better life conditions in smaller urban 
wealth. The general objective of the research is to prove the necessity of adoption of a 
model to support the administration of the urban occupation process, concerning the capacity of the water supply system. 
Florianopolis attract in the | 
study one that could be evaluated throu 
ast decade significant number of new inhabitants. With the preconceived idea of establishing as area of 
ıgh daily water measurements of macro-meters, the elected area was the District of Santo 
Antonio de Lisboa. The application of linear regression statistical method demonstrates significant correlation between data obtained 
from the studied area and the ones from Ponta do Sambaqui neighbourhood (pilot area). Thematic maps directed to Ponta do 
Sambaqui, dealing with number of days that each residence suffered lack of water and number of days of water rationing per 
habitation, demonstrate de necessity of adoption of the urban management model proposed. Ultimately, the inconvenience of lack of 
tradition, which leads to, the non-use of topographic maps by de concessionary company, was demonstrated. As consequence of 
what one would expect from results, other secondary propositions were made, i. 
urban management process concerning the water supply system and the permanent concourse of the un 
and solution of problems of such importance. 
Migration to urban spaces in the last 50 years is considered one 
of the main causes of social and environmental unbalance, as 
many green areas had to be subtracted to unexpected and 
massive populating growing. Life conditions would be better if 
the process of human urban spaces occupation were gradual and 
Although the world suffers a generalized scarcity of fresh water 
the Brazilians seem unconcerned with their reserves, which are 
renewable but not inexhaustible. 
-Though new water resources could be developed, the 
restoration of the equilibrium between supply and demand lies 
on controls of the latter through populating stabilization and 
educational campaigns against waste on a par with new 
techniques of water supply. 
Due to its importance, conditions for per capita water supply 
should previously account in urban planning. People education 
and awareness of the problem are urgent, before the 
catastrophic exhaustion of water reserves occur (IFRAH, 2002). 
i.e. the direct participation of the inhabitants in the 
iversities in the evaluation 
The Urban Multipurpose Technical Cadastre represents an 
extraordinary instrument to the study of urban management 
(LOCH, 1998), as it associates information about urban real 
estate, ground characteristics, and special attributes such as 
landscape, infra-structures and urban equipments, in a way of 
graphic presentation of easy handling, available to 
governmental institutions and to the community (LOPES, 
The research pretends to check whether in F lorianopolis, a city 
in development and capital of the State of Santa Catarina in 
south of Brazil, the demographic expansion, the evolution of 
street designs and system of urban transportation occur 
simultaneously with the expansion of the water supply net. 
Due to the facilities of access to different places, it is well 
known how individual and collective transportation influence 
the aspect of city environments (BRUTON, 1979). As main 
stimulants of urbanization, these are also responsible for urban 
growing in the periphery of the cities, where, in accordance to 
SACHS (1997), occurs an unbalanced occupation of space with 
undesirable consequences for environmental landscape. 

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