Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
and February 2003, fact that justify an urgent revaluation of the 
program of water supply for Florianópolis. 
The study shows also that to possess private reservoirs of great 
volume capacity is illusory in terms of plenitude of water 
3.3 Water Supply Simulation 
Due to the dimension of the study area and the complexity of 
the supply system, the program of water supply simulation did 
no consider possible pressure abatement caused by distance and 
ground quota differences (NEVES, 1979) (GARCEZ, 1988). 
House unities which possess small reservatories detect early the 
lack of supply or no supply at all. Otherwise, when private 
reservoirs are large, detection of water rationing or lack of 
supply may not occur or may occur lately, when the reservoir 
capacity is exhausted (figure 5). 
When the thematic map is interpreted, the occurrence of few 
days rationing is not to be considered optimistic, because they 
only points to the fact that if lacking of water did not occur it 
was only because of the large capacity of reservoirs. When the 
Company pumps less or do not pump at all the results for the 
beneficiaries differ in accordance to the capacity of their 
reservoirs (Figure 6). 
3.4 Proposed Model 
Ideal conditions of functionality for urban management begin 
with urban planning, although commonly urban planning comes 
only after a long process of urban space occupation, 
concentration and expansion had occurred. Under such 
circumstances urban planning, that should be a preventive 
process, will be destined to correct distortions. 
The fundamental tool for urban planning is the implantation of 
the urban technical cadastre, which enables the administrator to 
the actual knowledge of facts. This way, the entire process will 
be appreciated in accordance with the geographic information 
system created from a cartographic base, with constant 
actualizations, under legal patterns and cadastre surveying. 
The model has a sequence of events, from the observance of 
zoning premises to the Company in charge of sanitary 
observance, which will study the local conditions for water 
It is to be observed that this research concerns the conditions of 
water supply, but this is only one of multiples elements that 
must be taken in consideration in the ideal model. 
Other decisions must be taken in relation with signs pointed by 
beneficiaries insofar the quality of the water in the net and in 
the reservatories is concerned. 
Not less fundamental yet, is the integration of cadastral system 
of the concessionary company with the cadastral system of the 
municipal administration, both obligatorily bound to real legal 
property premises. 
In spite of pluviometric normality it is evident the vulnerability 
of the water supply system to attend the requirements and its 
precarious capacity is attested by the number of days of 
rationing or lack of water that the beneficiaries have to endure. 
The greatest menace to the inhabitants of Santo Antonio de 
Lisboa is the lack of urban management and the deficient 
interaction between municipal administration and CASAN. 
Non-official nets of distribution are created, not as exclusivity 
of areas with high ground quotas, without the necessary 
observance of potability of water. 
Although IPUF in partnership with CASAN have invested 
significantly in  aero-photogrametric — surveys of the 
Florianopolis region inexists a geographic information system 
based on a Multipurpose Technical Cadastre. As it was 
hypothesized, the study confirms that inexists also relationship 
between the process of urban occupation and the capacity to 
attend the demand for potable water distribution. 
The system lacks of dependable data that must be collected 
through trustworthy scientific methods, which foresee, 
inclusive, adequate calibration of instruments. 
Only after the system were able to attend efficiently the present 
demands it will be feasible future ability to manage gross water 
from their sources, as well the adequate production of potable 
water and its effective distribution. 
As final conclusion it is not recommended any new occupation 
of urban space in the area of study, on the face of the present 
precarious capacity to attend fresh water demand. 
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