Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
VNIR / Level 1B | TIR / Level 2B03 
Air Temperature 
Temperature Correction 
Aerosol Observation 
Aerosol Estimation / 
Atmospheric Correction 
| | 
Surface Temperature 
Image . 
Aerosol Fee NDVI Image 
Figure 2. Analytic flow 
2.1 Temperature observation on the ground 
Kenrokuen Park is located in the center of Kanazawa, Ishikawa 
Prefecture, Japan. There are 30 schools in a 4-km radius from 
Kenrokuen Park. Each school has an instrument screen in its 
yard. Figure 3 shows a typical instrument screen in an 
elementary school. We installed a thermometer-hygrometer 
with a data logger in each instrument screen and measured the 
temperature and humidity at 10-minute intervals. These 
observation values show the air condition at a height of 1.5 m 
above the ground. A thermometer-hygrometer with a data 
logger was kept in the instrument screen from June 2003 until 
September 2003. 
Figure 3. Instrument screen at Kanazawa Nakamura- 
machi Elementary School (36.56?N, 136.64^E) 
Figure 4 contains the results of the observation on August 7, 
2003. Even at night, the temperature at Kanazawa Nakamura- 
machi Elementary School, located in the business district, did 
not fall. At Kanazawa Yuhidera Elementary School, which is 
located in a pastoral area, the temperature did fall at night. This 
result indicates that a difference in land cover influences the air 
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-— Nakamura-machi (36.56N 136.64E) 
Yuhidera (36.57N, 136.71E) 
Figure 4. Air temperature at Kanazawa Nakamura-machi 
Elementary School and Kanazawa Yuhidera Elementary 
2.0 Atmosphere observation on the ground 
A sky radiometer (POM-01: PREAD) was installed on the roof 
of Building No. 24 of the Kanazawa Institute of Technology 
(Figure 5). Atmospheric observations were taken during the 
day using 6 wavelength channels of 0.315, 0.40, 0.50, 0.87, 
0.94, and 1.04 uum (Kawata et al., 2003). The value which was 
received from the sky radiometer was converted into the optical 
thickness of the atmospheric aerosol using the Sky Rad. Pack 
code (Nakajima et al., 2001). 
Figure 5. Sky Radiometer at Kanazawa Institute of 
Technology (36.53°N, 136.63°E) 
Figure 6 shows the change in the aerosol optical thickness at 0.5 
pum from April 2003 to September 2003. The value of the 
aerosol optical thickness was high, and the change in the value 
from April to May was drastic. The value of the aerosol optical 
thickness decreased after June, and the change in the value 
decreased. When the NDVI value is calculated in the spring at 
our study site, we must be careful about the change in the 
aerosol optical thickness. 

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