Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 2: Decollement gypsum levels on band 5, Landsat ETM+ 
image are highlighted in white. 
2.1. Field studies 
In this study, field-based data were formed with the aid of fault 
kinematic studies collected from the southern parts of the basin. 
These measurements were evaluated Carey method (Carey, 
1979). According to this method, the generally active minimum 
principal stress axis (03) for this region is in a vertical direction 
and compresses a strike in a NNW-SSE direction (Figure 3). 
a) b) 
Strike — Plunge Strike Plunge 
c! 153 17 at: 
I 326 
al 87 
al 180 76 
Figure 3: Fault measurement results. (Lower hemisphere 
stereographic projections of striated fault planes measured in the 
field. c1, o2 and 03 are respectively the maximum, mean and 
minimum paleostress axes. Histogram shows that the 
distribution of deviation angles between predicted slip vector ( 
1) and the computed slip vector (s)) 
Gypsum karst is also a geomorphologic phenomenon which 
affects intensively Oligocene Hafik formation gypsum deposits 
in Sivas Tertiary Basin (Gunay, 2002). Eastern parts of Sivas 
Basin which where outcropped over large areas are under this 
geohazard risk. Also, some collapse lakes such as Hafik, 
Todurge, western and eastern Lota are located eastern part of 
the basin. All lakes were formed by collapsing gypsum 
occurrences in this region (Figure 4) similar to other worldwide 
examples such as in Florida/USA. 
^ H A 
+ o NES nas 5 A : X. 
Figure 4: Collapse lakes in the eastern section of Sivas Basin on 
Landsat TM 3,2 and 1 bands. 
In this study, image processing procedures were realized 
Brovey transform, principal component analysis (PCA), and 
unsupervised classification methods. 
3.1. Image fusion 
Because of availability of 15 meters panchromatic spatial 
resolution feature of Landsat ETM+ system, Brovey transform 
was chosen as one of the most robust fusion methods. 
As is well known, 1, 4 and 7 th bands represent visible, near and 
middle infra-red regions of electromagnetic spectrum. Due to 
this basic fact that, their RGB combination display which were 
composed of respectively 7,4 and 1 bands emphasize 
differentiation between lithological contacts combining with 
spectral information content (Drury, 2001). 
This method is evaluated the most photo-interpretative method 
according to the other types of data fusion techniques such as 
high-pass filtered, multiplicative, principal component analysis 
based and IHS (intensity, hue and saturation) methods (Carter, 
1998; Bretschnider and Kao, 2000). 
This transformation algorithm (ER Mapper, 1998) was used for 
RGB display in this study as below: 
Red= band 7/ (band 1+ band 4+ band 7) + Landsat ETM+ 
panchromatic band 
Green= band 4/ (band 1+ band 4+ band 7) + Landsat ETM+ 
panchromatic band 
Blue= band 1/ (band 1+ band 4+ band 7) + Landsat ETM+ 
panchromatic band 
A healthy differentiation based on visual interpretation between 
exposing lithological units of Sivas Basin with the aid of 
combining spatial and spectral enhancements was provided by 
Brovey transform in this study (Figure 5). Although vegetation 
is an undesirable component in image processing studies, it has 
been very helpful geologically to derive structural features in 
this study. In Figure 5, dark blue colour shows realms of Inner 
Tauride Ocean and characterizes allochthonous ophiolites. 
Figure also shows a remarkable fold-thrust belt that was 
developed between Lower-Middle Eocene Bozbel formation, 
which was composed of laterally graded flysch, tuffites and 
volcanic intercalations and Late Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange 
rocks. Bozbel anticline, which was described firstly by 
Kurtman, (1973), elongates in NWW-SEE direction compatible 
with boundary of southeastern parts of the basin. 
Bea ^ NR a s wt e e : 
Figure 5: Spectacular fold expressions on Landsat ETM+ 7,4, 1 
(RGB) combination with Brovey transform displays southern 
parts of the Sivas Basin. 
3.2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 
PCA, which was also known as Karhunen-Loéve (Sabins, 1996) 
method is a linear transformation technique in image processing 
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