Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Tectonically, Sivas Basin has been developed on the Alpine- 
Himalayan belt with the complex interactions of Eurasian, 
Arabian and African plates. Remarkable marks of this 
collisional process were observed roughly in N-S direction 
within the Oligocene Hafik formation, which was composed of 
mainly massive gypsum deposits after Upper Miocene. 
Deformational behaviour of décollement levels are proofed the 
presence of thin-skinned deformation along their contacts 
within horizontally Mio-Pliocene sediments. 
Brovey transform, which was also known a useful image fusion 
method, may be very useful spatially in lithological 
differentiation studies combining with panchromatic band in 
Landsat ETM+ images. On the other hand, public use digital 
elevation data such as SRTM-3 and their evaluations in planar 
and three-dimensional modes aid structural evaluation efforts in 
geosciences and clench the results of directional edge 
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The author would like to express special thanks to NIK 
Construction Trade Co./Turkey and ER  Mapper/England 
authorities for supporting. 

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