Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
1.- Low NDVI - Low Variability 
2.- Low NDVI - Medium Variability 
3.- Low NDVI - High Variability 
4.- Medium NDVI - Low Variability 
5.- Medium NDVI - Medium Variability 
6.- Medium NDVI - High Variability 
7.- Hhg NDVI - High Variability 
8.- High NDVI - Medium Variability 
9.- High NDVI - Low Variability 
Figure 3.- Spatial homogeneity index (SHT) which relates 
the mean maximum values and the variation coefficient. As 
a general norm, increased NDVI means better ecosystem 
quality, and increased variability means an increase in the 
ecosystem instability. 
[—1-—2 3—4—5 —$ —7 —8 9 
Figure 4.- Monthly evolution of the NDVI for each class of 
the SHI in the time series of NOAA-AVHRR images. 
In the study area a great ground diversity exists such as those of 
alluvial type of fine and heavy textures, "depresionals", 
“graniticos of lomajes" and hills (mountain range of the coast), 
alluvial of marine terraces, "pumicíticos" and "trumaos 
granítico"s (Honorato, 2000). In this atmosphere, the most 
important forages resources are the spinal ones. This vegetal 
formation is defined as a pseudo-savannah (Ovalle et al., 1990), 
in which two layers are clearly distinguished: one of shrubs 
type, dominated Acacia digs Mol. (hawthorn) and a herbaceous 
layer, composed by “Poéaceas” (gramineas) mainly of annual 
winter growth. Among these last ones, species pertaining to the 
sorts Oats, Aira, Bromus, Hordeum, Vulpia and Lolium are 
emphasised. They are common in the herbaceous layer, species 
of the Composite family, in special of the Hypochoeris sorts, 
Cynara and Chartamus, in addition to species of the Fabaceae 
family (leguminosas) Papilionoideae subfamily, pertaining to 
the Medicago sorts and Trifolium, mainly (Castellaro et al., 
1994; Ovalle and Squella, 1996). 
0.40 4 
0.35 4 
0.30 4 
025 3. 
EEE —— 
0.20 + onm 
ii NZ , 
0.10 + 
0.05 + 
[+1—2 3—4—5—6 —7 —8 -9| 
Figure 5.- Mean monthly evolution of the NDVI for each SHI 
4.0 4 
3.5 4 
3.0 4 
2.5 4 
2.0 4 
1.5 4 
Acummulated NDVI 
1.0 4 
[2-1 2  3-—-4--5--6 —7 —8 9 
Figure 6.- Accumulated NDVI month by month. 
The zone presents habitually a low natural fertility in its 
grounds, which entails to low yields. However, these prairies 
are the base of sustentation of the production systems animal, 
which are predominantly of extensive type, where it stands out 
the raising of smaller ruminates (ovine and goat) and the raising 
of meat cattle, being the load animal average of the order of 0.2 
animals has! year" units (Ovalle and Squella, 1996). In spite of 
the shown antecedents, a complete study of the dynamics of the 
vegetation in the zone does not exist, for that reason it is 
necessary to resort to computational models that describe 
quantitatively his behaviour. Most of the models related to 
prairies have been developed by interdisciplinary equipment of 
university centres, specifically by the schools of Science Range 
(handling of natural prairies) of the United States (Innis, 1978; 
Pendleton et al., 1983. Parton et al., 1993; Laurenroth et al., 
1993; Hanson et al., 1994). Its main intention is the research 
and are complex, as much of the conceptual points of view such 
the computational ones, which causes that their use is restricted. 
Nevertheless, there are someone, thanks to its simplicity, can be 
implemented by fast and simple way (Smith and Williams, 
1973; White et al; 1983). Despite the previous notes, a previous 
process of validation is required, to evaluate its behaviour and 
the behaviour to its reformulation, by means of the calculation 
of suitable parameters (Silva, 1993). 

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