Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Region is described as; a united land in terms of 
geographic or social qualities, an administrative grade and 
a local management grade. 
According to Art. 8 of urban development law numbered 
3194, regional plans are prepared to determine the socio- 
economic development tendencies, development potential 
of settlements, sectoral targets and distribution of 
activities and substructures. It can be seen that the 
regional planning, which can be prepared on 1/100.000- 
1/250.000 scale maps is not common in Turkey and can't 
be put into use continuously over the country, but for some 
b) Environmental Plans: According to  Art5 of 
reconstruction law numbered 3194, Environmental Plan is 
a plan that determines the settlement, such as residence; 
industry, agriculture, tourism, transportation etc., and land 
use, convenient to country and regional plan. Despite the 
open rule of law; it can be said that environmental 
regularity plan is applied as independent plan without 
preparing regional plans in urban planning process. It can 
be prepared in 1/100.000, 1/50.000 and 1/25.000 and the 
authority for preparing it is The Ministry of Public Works 
and Housing. On the other hand, the authority for 
preparing ecological environmental plan is The Ministry 
of Environment and Forestry. 
c) Development Plans: Development Plans include 
Master Plan and Application Development Plan that is 
prepared convenient with it. 
Master Plans are prepared in 1/2.000 and 1/5.000 scales 
and are convenient with regional plans and environmental 
plan, if they exist. The authorities for preparing it are 
Metropolitan Municipalities. 
Application Development Plans are prepared in 1/1.000 
scale and are convenient with Master Plan. The 
authorities for preparing it are municipalities. 
d) Statistical Region Units: In the period of adaptation 
to European Union, country based Statistical Regional 
Units are described to collect and improve regional 
statistics, to make socio-economic analysis of regions, to 
describe regional policies and to prepare comparable 
statistical database which is convenient with European 
Union Regional Statistics System. According to this; 
— There are 81 Statistical Region Units in "Level 3" 
and they are provinces. 
— There are 26 Statistical Region Units in "Level 2" 
and they were described by grouping the neighbour 
provinces in “Level 3”. 
— There are 12 Statistical Region Units in “Level 1” 
and they were described by grouping the Statistical 
Region Units in “Level 2”. 
Whole public associations and institutions must use this 
structure. In this respect; the meaningfulness of collected 
attribute information is dependent on relation with collected 
geographic information in same levels. In other words; while 
preparing regional plans, environmental plans and Master 
plans, statistical region units should be taken into 
In planning process, the most important problem is to obtain up 
to date geographical product. However much the appropriate 
production for this aim is digital vector products, they are not 
up to date, they don’t cover whole Turkey and they cannot be 
updated. For this reason, in developing countries like Turkey, 
it is thought that the most appropriate geographical products to 
use in planning process are orthophoto maps. 
The orthophoto maps, which are produced by using aerial 
photographs and satellite images, can supply fast and 
economical map production. Especially the orthophoto maps 
that are produced by using satellite images, by means of 
developing technology, are advancing for being economical 
alternatives to classic maps. 
Even the updating of digital vector products takes a short time, 
at first step the production takes too much time. For example; 
the production process of a 1/25.000 scaled map, which is used 
in environmental plan, last approximately 3 years, as it is seen 
in Table-2 (Ozbalmumcu, 2000). The production of a 1/50.000 
scaled map, with the supposition of lasting ! year for 
cartographic generation,  photo-mechanic and printing 
processes, lasts at least 4 years. Similarly; it can be said that a 
1/100.000 scaled map can be produced in approximately 5 
years, a 1/250.000 scaled map can be produced in 
approximately 6 years. In other words, 1/25.000 scaled or 
smaller scaled maps become not up to date when they are 
presented to user. However, because the cities are always in a 
change, for dynamic planning, the maps must be prepared and 
updated in short times. So, it is appreciated that the optimum 
solution from the view of time and cost are orthophoto 
; à ue Time 
Number Executed Activity (Year) 
Establishing, liming, 
I measuring and computing 0.5 
ground coordinate points and 
aerial photography 
Map production with the 
2 photogrammetric stereo 1.0 
compilation method 
Topographic completion on 
S land 0:3 
Printing processes with the 
4 cartographic and photo- 1.0 
mechanic works 
TOTAL 3.0 
Table 2. 1/25 000 scaled digital vector map production phases 
and durations. 
For an area containing approximate 300 maps, the cost of 
1/5.000 scaled digital map production is 1652 US Dollars and 
it takes 102 hours (12.75 working days). In orthophoto 
production for an area in the same size, the cost of a sheet is 
218 US Dollars and it can be produced in 14 hours. In other 
words, 1/5.000 scaled orthophoto map can be produced 7 times 
faster and 7 times cheaper than digital vector map. 

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