International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
imaging conditions were well within bounds for reliable oil
slick detection.
One additional feature of interest appears on the 29 May image.
The platform is obviously trailing a small, wind-driven slick
that extends 10 kilometres to the southwest and the bend nearly
perpendicular to ESE. This bend seems to be due to a change of
surface current. Oil platforms and vessels appear as bright
spots, generally indistinguishable unless the well locations are
superimposed on the images. A few vessels can be
distinguished by the presence of short, faint lines that indicates
a trailing ship wake. The size of the longest slick detected was
25 km. The characteristics suggest that the slicks are ephemeral
surface events from a moving source, probably oil spills from a
passing vessel moving down from north to south.
3.4. Field Observation in Offshore Fujairah (Feb 2003)
A Sea surface observations with a synchronized data acquisition
of SPOT-5, in Fujairah Offshore Anchoring Area (FOAA)
(Figure 4). Space borne observations were carried out on Ist &
2nd February 2003 with the cooperation of UAE Coast Guard.
Observation points were located by both a GPS system on
board and portable GPS receivers. Spilled oil and seafloor
sediments were sampled for chemical analysis. Water
temperature was measured by both thermal infrared
thermometer and contact thermometer.
Check Point
56°25.193’| 25°23.069°
s * am Hodursui 1 SAR Lomas ap
EG CL 4 + RE N © amd ht kt
Ba TLS Frain LT Fo rere 4 Med IUS
Figure 4. Field Observation in Offshore Fujairah (Feb 2003)
We focused on discriminating between direct hydrocarbon
pollution such as big spills by tanker accidents, discharged oil
caused by routine maintenance, and leaking oil from offshore
exploration and development operations by means of satellite
imagery. Satellite-borne sensors have different electromagnetic
characteristics with varying limitations for detecting marine
surface features, therefore a combination of sensors is required
to monitor marine oil pollution effectively. This case study
indicates that most oil spills are found along the major shipping
routes and in anchorage area as well as in such areas with
intensive large-scale oil production activities with leakage or
tank-washing discharges. The results will help in locating
potentially vulnerable areas, and serve as a reference in future
routine monitoring. Oil spills can occur both in the open sea and
along the coasts.
Operational monitoring system for oil pollution using satellite
images of the Arabian Gulf is recognised as a regional priority,
this could be achieved only with the cooperation of all
concerned organizations at national and regional level. This will
be based on an integrated GIS focusing on delivering real-time
information on coastal marine environments Figure 5).
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