Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
@ @ JAPAN B € Data & Information Exchange CHINA 
. NDVI images(l0 days com posite) : 6 - @ Network --> Images 
NDVI Difference Image of 
the present year and average of years -- Network --> Images 
Difference Image of Daytime Temp. 
and Night Temp (10 days com posite) e --- Network --> Images 
Nighttime light images (10 days com posite) --- Network --> +i {mages 
Light changes images (10 days interval) T Network --> Images 
Monitoring --Com parison with New and Previous 
Images.and Interpretation of Images 
Extract Unusual Area 
Request to RADARSAT International € -Network---- 
& Spot Image Inc. 
Process SAR images 
or/and SPOT/HRV 
Determination Observing Area 
--- Network --> Images 
Interpretation of Fine Resolution Images 
-> Warning and Suggestions 
Fig.1 The Total Study Plan of Agriculture 
M onitoring Using Satellite Data in East Asia 
: Sp 
Fig. 3 NDVI difference Image of the p reænt year and average of 1997 — 1999 years 

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