Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
community. There is a need to evaluate disturbances not in 
terms of the elements of a given regime, but rather in terms of 
ecological effects. 
Estimating animal species numbers, population size and related 
features is rather difficult in comparison to plants. However, 
Kolar & Lodge (2001) indicated clear relationships between the 
characteristics of releases and the species involved, and the 
successful establishment and spread of invaders. Allen & 
Kupfer (2000) developed a modified change vector analysis 
(CVA) using normalized multidate data from Landsat TM and 
examined Adelges piceae infestation. Mineter et al. (2000) 
showed that parallel software frameworks could speed up both 
the development and the execution of new applications. Luther 
et al. (1997) pointed out the importance of logistic regression 
techniques to develop models for predicting forest susceptibility 
and vulnerability and to assess the accuracy of the susceptibility 
and vulnerability forecasts. Using an integrated multimedia 
approach in the vegetation database for invasive species 
provides a unique way to represent geographic features and 
associated information on interrelationships between flora, 
fauna, and human activities (Hu et al., 1999). Predictions of 
malaria risk mapping (Kleinschmidt et al, 2000) and 
microbiological risk assessment for drinking water (Gale, 2001) 
are some examples of risk mapping and prediction that have 
been done in the field of biological invasions. Applications of 
these promising quantitative approaches in an Integrated GIS 
environment may allow us to predict patterns of invading 
species more successfully. For the monitoring and control of 
insect pests such as screw-worm (cattle pest), desert locust 
(rainfall-dependent agricultural pest) and armyworm, satellite 
facilities and the simultaneous use of their data could be used 
for a wide variety of purposes (Barrett, 1980). Crops can be 
regularly monitored to predict their economic yields, regional 
early warning for famine or pest infestation and phenological 
mapping of natural vegetation (Steven et al., 1992). The cost of 
monitoring with colour aerial photography is within the 
affordable range of most control programmes (Benton & 
Newnam, 1976). 
Scale is one of the central issues in invasion ecology. All 
observations depend upon the spatial scale, size of the study 
area investigated and resolution of the remote sensor. Habitat 
evaluation of a species is influenced strongly by spatial scale 
(Cogan 2002; Trani, 2002). There is no "correct" scale; it 
depends on survey purpose (Trani, 2002). The variations in the 
landscape patterns are scale-dependent (Rescia et al, 1997). 
However, in most of the cases, landscape scale is used as an 
appropriate scale for modelling. 
McCormick (1999) pointed out the importance of scale and 
colour  infrared-photographs while mapping Melaleuca 
quinquenervia. Carson et al. (1995) found that the LANDSAT 
TM and SPOT data with ground resolution of 30 and 20 meters 
respectively, are not considered useful for mapping at species 
level, unless the stand of an invasive species is large enough. 
Multi-date imagery therefore appears to improve mapping and 
modelling the infestation pattern of canopy dominant species 
(Bren, 1992, Hessburg et al., 2000, Mast et al., 1997). Medd & 
Pratlety (1998) assessed the relevance of precision systems for 
weed management. Bren (1992) examined the invasion of 
Eucalyptus camaldulensis into an extensive, natural grassland 
in a high flood frequency site using 45 years time series aerial 
photographs (taken in 1945, 1957, 1970, and 1985) 
extrapolated model showed the almost complete extinction of 
extensive grass plains. Hessburg et al. (2000) used aerial photo 
(from 1932 to 93) of interior northwest forests, USA and found 
emergent non-native herb lands. Mast et al. (1997) provided a 
quantitative description of the Pinus ponderosa tree invasion 
process at a landscape scale using historical aerial photography, 
image processing and GIS approaches. Welch er al. (1988) 
applied GIS to analyse aerial photo for monitoring the growth 
and distribution of 13 aquatic emergent, submergent and free- 
floating species. They produced vegetation maps using large 
scale (1:8000-1:12000 scale) color infrared aerial photographs 
of different years (1972, '76, '83, '84, 85). 
Current developments in sensor technology have the potential 
to enable improved accuracy in the mapping of vegetation and 
its productivity. Rowlinson et al. (1999) indicated that using 
manual techniques to identify infested riparian vegetation from 
1:10,000 scale black and white aerial photographs yielded the 
most accurate and cost-effective results. The least accurate data 
sources for this purpose were aerial videography and Landsat 
thematic mapper (TM) satellite imagery. High spatial (less or 
equal to 1m) but low spectral resolution remote sensing data 
appeared to be useful in mapping invasive Chinese tallow trees 
with an accuracy of greater than 95 percent (Ramsey et al., 
2002). Medlin et al. (2000) could detect infestations of Senna 
obtusifolia, Ipomoea lacunosa, and Solanum carolinense with 
at least 75% accuracy using multispectral digital images. 
Vrindts et al. (2002) distinguished seven weed species with a 
more than 97% correct classification using a limited number of 
wavelength band ratios. Everitt et al. (2001b) noted that 
Juniperus pinchotii had lower visible and higher near-infrared 
(NIR) reflectance than associated species and mixtures of 
species allowing a mapping accuracy of 100 percent. Lass et al. 
(2000) tested accuracy of detection of a homogenous population 
of Centaurea solstitialis at different spatial resolution. Their 
result showed a low commission and ommission errors with 
0.5m spatial resolution than 4.0m. Very-high spatial resolution 
(0.5 m) colour infrared (CIR) digital image data from colour- 
infrared digital camera imagery showed potential for 
discriminating Acacia species from native fynbos vegetation, 
other alien vegetation and bare ground (Stow et al., 2000). In 
cases where different spatial resolutions resulted in equal 
detection accuracy, the larger spatial resolution was selected 
due to lower costs of acquiring and processing the data. 
All these studies noted the importance of image resolution, 
spectral characteristics, superiority of lower scaled aerial 
photographs and images. It also shows clearly that for accurate 
mapping of invasive species it is important to take the 
phenological stage into account in aiming of taking the aerial 
photographs or images. 
Although high spectral and spatial resolution provide the ability 
to classify canopy dominant species, precise classification of a 
species is still difficult. Several such studies of the spectral 
properties of invasive species have been derived, mostly from 
low altitude aerial photography or field spectrographs. 
However, the information reaching the remote observer will be 
minimum. Other factors like atmospheric noise, humidity, 
shadow, contribution from soil add to the confusion and the 
chance of discrimination of separate species low (Price 1994). 
Furthermore, variation in orientation of leaves, age of a leaf, 
variation in leaf area index, different slopes of the locations 
where the individuals are found could make the spectral 

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