International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
supervised manner, are very good in classification and inversion
problems, easy to use, work as universal approximators, have
very good nonlinearity capabilities and are the most used in the
feed forward network family. :
3.4 MLP neural networks
The most popular class of multilayer feedforward networks is
multilayer perceptron. MPL usually comprises one input layer,
one or two hidden layers and one output layer. As an example, a
four-layer network with two hidden layers can be seen in Figure
|. In the present study, input nodes correspond to bands of
imagery, hidden layers are used for computations and output
layers correspond to the classes to be recognised. Each
individual neuron is the elemental unit of each layer. It
computes the weighted sum of its inputs, adds a bias term and
drives the result thought a generally nonlinear activation
function to produce a single output. The most common
activation function is the sigmoid activation function, also used
in the present study. There are several training algorithms for
MLP. In a previous study (Topouzelis et al, 2003), four
algorithms of the gradient decent family were examined:
Backpropagation (BP), Conjugate Gradient (CG), Resilient
back propagation (Rprop) and Quick Backpropagation
(Quickprop). A hybrid algorithm of backpropagation algorithm
and conjugate gradient found to work fast and reliably
(Topouzelis et al, 2003) was selected for the present study.
Input Layer Hidden Layers Output Layer
2" Hidden
Layer Layer
1% Hidden
Figure 1. An example of MLP network
3.2 RBF neural networks
The Radial Basis Function neural network, which has three
layers, can be seen as a special class of multilayer feed-forward
networks. Each unit in the hidden layer employs a radial basis
function, such as Gaussian Kernel, as the activation function.
The output units implement a weighted sum of hidden unit
outputs. The input into a RBF network is nonlinear. The output
is linear. The radial basis function (or Kernel) function is
centered at the point specified by the weight vector associated
with the unit. Both the positions and the widths of these kernels
are learned from training patterns. Each output unit implements
a linear combination of these radial basis functions. Figure 2
illustrates the architecture of RBF network. Coefficients pj
represents the centers of radial basis and wy; are the weighting
coefficients of the linear combination.
There are a variety of training algorithms for the RBF networks.
In the present study, Dynamic Decay Adjustment (DDA)
Algorithm is used. DDA algorithm uses constructive training
where new RBF nodes are added whenever necessary. It is
characterized by fast training (because a few epochs are needed
to complete training) and guaranteed convergence (SNNS
1998). The main characteristic of the algorithm is that when a
training pattern is misclassified, either a new RBF unit
introduced or the weight of an existing RBF is incremented.
Figure 2. An example of RBF network
Because of the combination of their non-linear characteristics,
RBF networks are commonly used in complex applications and
are considered superior to perceptrons networks. In complicated
cases perceptrons require many neurons, computational power
and time in order to calculate the hyperplanes which distinguish
the classes wanted. The main difference in the way that the two
neuron network models try to solve a classification problem is ‘
illustrated in figure 3. MLP calculates hyperplanes in order to
separate classes while RBF uses kernels to group pixels from
the same class. To our knowledge, comparisons of different
neural network models for the problem of oil spill detection are
not available in the literature. In this paper, we present a
comparison between the two commonly used neural network
models, RBF and MLP neural networks.
Hyperplane Kernel tunctior
Figure 3. MLP and RBF classification approach
4.1 General overview
The method developed was applied on an ERS 1 image
captured on 1/6/1992 (orbit 4589, frame 2961). The image
represents a rough sea surface, efficient to produce a strong
contrast signal in the presence of oil spills. It also contains
lookalikes in the left part, caused by different sea state (local
wind falls in a big swell wave). In the experiments
implemented, it was observed that the number of inputs
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4.2 Pre
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