Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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mean % definite error forest / non-forest classes 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
quite as good as nationally. The Forest definitely wrong error 
rate is similar at ~3% whereas the definitely incorrect Non- 
Forest class, is slightly better than the national average (2%). 
The total percent probably or definitely correct is comparable 
(87% for Australia and 90% for Tasmania). Results for 
Regrowth and Deforestation are very different however (up to a 
third of Regrowth being erroneously classified). It should be 
noted, however, that this information is derived from a very 
small sample. 
In the method developed, there is no explicit evaluation of the 
quality of change maps. In effect, one evaluates the 
classification of a change map for one time period. One is 
therefore not in a position to say that landcover change has or 
has not been correctly identified. Instead, one can only reason 
that, if in Tasmania there is a tendency to identify Forest that is 
not really there, then there is a possibility that too much 
Regrowth and/or too little Deforestation has been identified. A 
tendency to identify Non-Forest for areas that are judged by 
photo-interpreters to be Forest would lead to the opposite 
conclusion — it may be that the amount of Deforestation has 
been overestimated and/or the amount of Regrowth 
underestimated. This depends, of course, on the nature of the 
pixels examined. If pixels that have been erroneously identified 
as Forest remain erroneously classified as Forest over the entire 
study period, then they will not lead to an overestimation of the 
amount of Regrowth although the amount of Forest will be 
overestimated. In contrast, if such pixels were initially 
classified as Forest and then from some date onward were 
misclassified as Non-Forest, then the amount of Deforestation 
will be overestimated. 
To evaluate this, the lineage data are employed. To produce 
Table 3, definite errors have been tabulated by their lineage 
class. It would also be possible, of course, to tabulate probable 
errors, definitely correct classifications, etc. For Tasmania, 
whilst 2% of the total sample points were in the Regrowth 
lineage class, 8% of definite errors were in this class. This 
suggests that the incorrect classification of Non-Forest pixels as 
Forest may be influencing the Regrowth class. Given that the 
number of definite errors is small (12), this might be ignored. 
However, the previous table for Tasmania (Table 2) indicated a 
potential problem in probable errors. Hence, it might be more 
useful in the case of Tasmania to also tabulate probable errors 
by lineage class — a relatively simple undertaking. 
Definite Errors vs. Quantum of Change 
60 ; 
5 si50 
40 Sb3 
30 [S052 SG56 
| SF55 
10 | 
| SH55 
| SH56 SH50 SG55 
0 | i A : 
0 400000 800000 1200000 1600000 2000000 2400000 
200000 600000 1000000 1400000 1800000 2200000 
scaled sum of change in deforestation and regrow th areas (ha) 
Figure 2 Graph showing Definite Errors vs. Quantum of Change 
Using the two types of tables presented and interpreting them in 
tandem identifies areas of potential problems, even though a 
definitive statement of Correct/Incorrect classification is not 
presented, and interpretation of the tables requires a 
knowledgeable user. The methodology cannot be employed, 
however, without consideration of a number of issues. 
One issue is the sampling scheme employed for both aerial 
photo selection and individual sample points on each image. 
Photos were selected for use based on their geographic and 
ecological distribution. However, no attempt was made a priori 
to obtain either a completely representative sample or a 
completely random sample. Therefore, it is not appropriate to 
say, for example, that the amount of Forest has been 
overestimated across all of Tasmania. While there is no known 
sampling bias related to photo selection, the sampling scheme 
employed is probably not statistically robust enough to make 
reliable inferences for all of Tasmania. This is not a problem, 
however, if one limits the interpretation of results to their 
original purpose — to identify any potential problems in 
classification to improve the change map methodology. As for 
the point samples on the photographs, points were randomly 
selected from the grid that was overlayed on a photograph. 
However, because the same grid was employed regardless of 
photo scale and landscape conditions, the effects of spatial 
autocorrelation were probably present in the sample points 
extracted from a single photograph and this effect would vary 
from photo to photo. For example, for a standard size (23 cm 
by 23 cm) 1:20000 photograph, grid points are spaced 
approximately 115 m (ground distance) apart whereas on a 
1:80000 photograph they are spaced 460 m apart. In the 
method developed, no control was placed on the geographic 
distribution of points selected from a single photograph, nor 
was any attempt made to quantify the effects of spatial 
autocorrelation. It remains, nonetheless, that 1:80000 
photographs were probably more representative of general 
landscape conditions than 1:20000 photographs that cover a 
smaller area. 
3.2 Prioritisation 
It is useful to consider the confirmed errors, in deforestation and 
regrowth, for each map tile against the quantum of change. It is 
possible to then determine the "performance" in error rate 
against the "importance" in the quantum of change. 
The error rate is taken as the average percentage definitely 
wrong for the Forest and Non-Forest classification. The 
quantum of change is the scaled sum of deforestation and 
regrowth reported in Jones ef al., (2004). Figure 2 plots each 
mapsheet definite error rate against its corresponding quantum 
of change. Decision lines are then used to divide the graph into 
four regions: High Error / Low Change -Medium Update 
High Error / Low Change High Error / High Change 
Medium Update Priority High Update Priority 
Decision —^ 
boundary Low Error / Low Change 
Low Error / High Change 
Low Update Priority Medium Update Priority 
Figure 3 Explanation of update priority graph 

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