Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The high spectral resolution of hyperspectral data provides the 
ability for diagnostic identification of different materials. In 
order to analyze such hyperspectral data by using the current 
techniques and to increase the classification performance, 
dimension reduction is pre-processing for removing the 
redundant information substantially without sacrificing 
significant. information and of course preserving the 
characteristics of the spectral signature. In this paper, we have 
presented an efficient dimension reduction technique for 
hyperspectral data based on automatic Wavelet decomposition. 
With a high number of bands produced from hyperspectral 
sensors, we showed that the Wavelet Reduction method yields 
similar or better classification accuracy than PCA. This can be 
explained by the fact that Wavelet reduced data represent a 
spectral distribution similar to the original distribution, but in a 
compressed form. Keeping only the approximation after 
Wavelet transform is a lossy compression as the removed high 
frequency signal (details) may contain useful information for 
class separation and identification. PCA also has a similar 
problem when not all the components are kept. This is, 
however the tradeoff when compression or reduction is used. 
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