Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
TSAVI=+ ldo PIRTAP se] = 
((Pr+aprir —ab+0,08{1+a?))] 
(hir p) 
(O'buc- p) 
s bina, * =>) ) 
TSARVI=+— la pha A, Pre—Orp x 
lp hu - a pg, +0,08(1+a2, )| 
With: Dbin 7 5, Pg D, 
Pre = PrT ye; 7 £i] 
f oc 
Fs |o... = pu | 
GEMI=m(1-0,25 pri) 
With: 7 2(0 up; +15 Pme+0.501] 
(Ohr + pP à+0,5) 
L* Dp 60g —1,5 05 
1) PPIR+ PR 
Prir =] 
ip e eu | : et Alv; — Dn .J 
= lo For T ven BU Pr Ji 
pr: ground reflectance in the red channel, 
Ppir : ground reflectance in the near infrared red channel, 
pp: ground reflectance in the blue channel, 
Pn: apparent reflectance in the blue channel, 
pv: apparent reflectance in green channel, 
Pr: apparent reflectance in the green channel, 
Bron : apparent reflectance in the near infrared channel, 
Dan : apparent reflectance in the red-blue channel, 
Par: atmospheric reflectance in the red channel, 
Ap: atmospheric reflectance in the blue channel, 
Y : atmospheric self-correction factor, 
a and b : slope and ordinate at the origin of the bare soil in the 
red/NIR spectral space, 
ap and by, : slope and ordinate at the origin of the bare soil in 
the red-bleu/NIR apparent spectral space, 
L : soil adjustment factor, equal to 0.5. 
3. Results and Discussions 
Although atmospheric ozone component absorb the 
electromagnetic radiation in certain wavelengths, the design 
and the conceptualization of vegetation indices never 
considers this effect. Considering the channels of MODIS, 
VEGETATION and MODIS sensors, the reflectance analysis 
shows that the ozone absorption decreases the reflectance in 
the near infrared in the same way as the water vapour 
absorption. However, when the ozone concentration increases 
in the atmosphere, the values of the vegetation indices 
decrease. This effect cannot be neglected especially for the 
indices derived from the broadband AVHRR sensor. 
Considering different situations, different ozone concentration 
and different vegetation indices, the figure 1 illustrate the 
sensitivity of each vegetation index to the ozone absorption 
and potential of MODIS sensor to normalize very well the 
ozone absorption effect. 
The obtained results show us that the MSR is most sensitive 
index to the ozone absorption. Compared to ground truth, the 
relative error is approximately 23% for AVHRR, 20 % for 
VEGETATION and 16% for MODIS. Moreover, this index is 
the most sensitive to the atmospheric diffusion and water 
vapour absorption (Bannari er al, 2000). Consequently, the 
MSR cannot be used for temporal change detection of the 
forest cover and land use without atmospheric correction. 
The EVI sensitivity to the ozone absorption is much lower in 
comparison with its sensitivity to the water vapour absorption 
or the aerosols diffusion (Asalhi, 2003). For an extreme ozone 
concentration (UO3 = 0,959 g.cm3), the relative error on this 
index is 19 % for VEGETATION and MODIS sensors. 
Furthermore, the GARI behaviour varies largely according to 
the value of the atmospheric self-correction coefficient and 
the density of vegetation cover. This index is so resistant to 
the ozone absorption when it is calculated with a self 
correction coefficient equal to 0.5 and a very dense vegetation 
cover, the error is approximately 7 %. However, when the 
vegetation cover decreases, the relative error increases to 15% 
for a bare soil. 
When we consider a dense forest cover with an extreme ozone 
concentration (UO3 — 0,959 g.cm3), the relative error on the 
PVI reaches 15 % for AVHRR, 8 % for VEGETATION and it 
does not exceed 4% for MODIS. Contrary to the GARI, when 
the vegetation becomes sparse, the relative error decreases 
drastically on the PVI. Thus, for a 50 % forest cover Sen 
the error on the PVI reaches 8 % for AVHRR, 5 % for 
VEGETATION, whereas the error remains lower than 1 % for 
The MSAVI shows a very good resistance to the ozone 
concentration variations particularly for MODIS sensor. 
Indeed, considering the broadband AVHRR sensor, the error 
on the MSAVI is 14% when the cover is very dense and is 7% 
for a moderate density. If we consider these two cover rates, 
the relative error on this index is 10 % and 5% for 
VEGETATION. The spectral resolution of MODIS sensor 
offers a better precision; the relative error is 6-% for a very 
dense cover and 2 % for a fairly dense cover. 
For the indices that adjusted to the bare soils (SAVI, TSAVI, 
OSAVI and RDVI), they show the same sensitivity to the 
ozone concentration variations. This sensitivity decreases 
significantly when we use the MODIS spectral resolution. 
Considering a very dense forest cover, for the TSAVI, the 

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