Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Fisheye lens: The model of used fisheye lens is Nikon Fisheye 
Converter FC-E8. The angle of view area is about 183 degrees 
covered to hemisphere. FC-E8 has Equidistant Projection that 
means the centre of lens is correspond to zenith, and zenith 
angles are in proportion to distances from the centre point of 
zenith. One of the other projections for fisheye lens is 
Orthographic Projection that shows sine of zenith angles are in 
proportion to distance from the centre point of zenith. Figurel 
illustrates Equidistant and Orthographic Projections of the 
fisheye lens. 
Zenith Zenith 
à à ^ c. 
Hemisphere Vin Hemisphere Qi 
"0% CO 
d a 
Horizon Horizon 
(b) Orthographic Projection 
a) Equidistant Projection 
Figure 1. Projections of fisheye lens 
Left: Equidistant Projection, 0/90 = d,/R 
Right: Orthographic Projection, sin 0= d/R 
As the areas of which the zenith angles are wider in hemisphere 
image taken by equidistant projection, these image areas where 
is especially near the horizontal line are shown as larger than 
the same areas in case of taking by orthographic projection. 
That means orthographic projection is useful for calculating the 
ratio of area. However, there is very little availability of these 
kinds of fisheye lens with orthographic projection. Therefore, it 
is necessary to do the cosine correction of zenith angle for each 
pixel in the hemisphere image taken by the equidistant 
projection when cloud cover is calculated. 
Remote control cord: This cord, which is Nikon Remote Cord 
(MC-EUI), is used for taking pictures automatically at the same 
interval. It is able to set two minutes interval as the shortest. We 
set two minutes interval. 
As the other accessory, ND filter with 0.9 optical density 
(transparency about 13%) is put between camera lens and the 
fisheye lens in order to decrease the strong sun light and defend 
CCD saturation. 
2.2 Camera setup 
This camera system is installed at the top of tower with 45 
meters heights. The scene of sky area is almost hemisphere. 
Here, various meteorological observation systems are equipped 
in addition to the camera system. 
The head of digital camera is fixed to north direction and 
levelled to horizon on tripod. As for the exposure control, we 
have priority aperture and set the aperture as f2.8 because the 
image contrast is better than the image taken by the aperture 
more than f2.8 or shutter speed priority. 
The image size and quality should be different from the purpose 
of use. The image with the full size and the uncompressed 
quality might be needed for the purpose of precision 
photogrammetry, but our use of images is to understand cloud 
distribution and estimate cloud cover in this study, therefore the 
image size and quality are set as 1024 x 768 and the 
compressed JPEG format respectively. 
2.3 Hemispherical area on image 
Given this camera system and setup described previously, the 
hemispherical area shown in the whole image is determined. 
Figure 2 shows the hemisphere area and image coordinates in 
1024 pixels and 768 lines. 
UL- (0, 0) 1024pixels 
(213, 107 
X n 
768 lines 
Figure 2. Hemispherical area and image coordinates 
In this case, the radius of the circle filled with hemispherical 
area is corresponded to 290 pixels. One pixel corresponds to 
about 0.31 degrees of zenith angle. 
As the pre-processing of hemisphere imageries, each image is 
clipped with 580 pixels by 580 lines, and then the masking 
image of sky area except for the others around horizon is 
generated (Figure 3). 
768 lines 
c n 
Figure 3. Pre- processing of hemisphere image 
3.1 Detection of clouds area 
Gabriela et al. (2002) used the simple ratio of red / blue from 
RGB image to extract feature in sky image. Here, we also use 
two channels of red and blue from the visible RGB image in 
order to separate the blue sky and cloud areas. The blue sky 
area in the RGB image has the high digital number in blue 
channel and the low digital number in red channel. On the other 
hand, cloud areas show white or grey in the image that means 
the digital numbers of red and blue are almost same or close. 
Therefore, as one of the methods for separating to blue sky and 
clouds area, we use equation (1) and generate the index 

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