Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
However, on longer time intervals, interferometry is no more 
On the other hand, precise sub-pixel correlation techniques 
have already been used (Vadon, 2000), but not yet in the field 
of glaciers displacement. The following study is an ongoing 
work of OMP and CNES, using high resolution (SPOTS 
THR) image correlation for displacement measurement. 
2.1 Introduction 
The general principle of offset computation by correlation is 
the following: around every reference image point, for which 
one wants to compute the local offset with a secondary 
image, a so-called rectangular “vignette” is constituted, 
centered on the reference point. Having a rough knowledge 
of the local offset, we can center the search on the secondary 
image around the estimated position. We iteratively build a 
small vignette on the secondary image, which has the same 
size as the primary one, and which travels through an area 
called "research area" (Figure 1). The size of this research 
area is related to the uncertainty on the position in the 
secondary image. 
Cr C,=Cr+AC 
T 1 
| i 
| Vignette 1 ' 
1 T i 
^ i | Vignette 2 
leq i 
LALa4*AL Cs 
(Ls C) 13 que 
: Research area 
Primary image 
Secondary image 
Figure 1: Correlation windows principle 
(L and C refer to line and column in the images) 
First, correlation rates are computed for every vignette 
position in the research area. The best correlation 
corresponds to the position in. the research area of the 
secondary image that maximizes the radiometric resemblance 
between the two vignettes. 
For sub-pixel search, the principle is similar, except that the 
second image is re-sampled in the vicinity of the position 
computed at the previous step. Second loop is performed at 
*-0.5 pixel in line and column, third loop at +-0.25 pixel 
around the previous position, and so on. Process stops when 
the required localization accuracy is reached. 
This principle is general to all offset computation between 
images. Specific to glaciers is the fact that the surrounding 
slopes are stable, whereas the glaciers themselves have 
moved. Therefore, it is important that the software allows a 
variable search window size: very small research area on the 
glacier surroundings, and large one on the glacier itself. As a 
matter of fact, research area must always be as small as 
possible, because secondary correlation picks are one of the 
limiting factors of the method. 
The conditions for an accurate offset computation are: 
* . Well sampled, aliasing free images. This is the case for 
SPOT5 THR images, thanks to its two quincunx arrays 
of detectors (Latry, 1995). 
* Similar radiometry: this implies minimum time delay 
between the two acquisitions. 
+ Similar geometry: this implies acquiring images from 
the same viewpoint or at least as similar as possible 
viewpoints (similar incidence angles). In the case of 
SPOTS, the best configuration is a time interval multiple 
of 26 days, the orbital cycle. 
2.2 Geometrical model 
Before computing the local offsets between reference and 
secondary images, it is important to resample the secondary 
image, in order to make it as close as possible geometrically 
to the reference one. Correlation assumes a local radiometric 
linear relation between the two vignettes (y = ax + b, where y 
is the secondary radiometry and x the reference radiometry), 
and this relation can only be true if the geometry of the 
secondary image is very close to the one of the reference. 
This resampling process requires an accurate geometrical 
model. Starting with initial system variables, ephemeris and 
attitude data, provided with the images, geometrical 
modeling is achieved by automatic bundle block adjustment. 
We obtain a refined geometrical model (refined attitude - 
biases and first order derivatives). 
The process requires a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the 
region. At this stage, it is not necessary to have a very good 
quality DEM, because the process is global. Typically, a 
DTED level 1 DEM is sufficient. The process of relative 
bundle block adjustment does not require ground control 
points. However, in our study area, we made two different 
computations, with and without ground control points 
(GCPs) in other words with absolute and relative 
geometrical modeling. 
The inputs to the bundle block adjustment are homologous 
points, issued from a first correlation between the two raw 
images. The process models the impact of attitude (roll, pitch 
and yaw) biases and derivatives, and tries to minimize the 
residuals on the non-glacier areas. This method, which uses 
the physical attitude models, is better than the classical one, 
which tries to make a polynomial fit of the residual on the 
offset grids themselves (Figures 3 and 4). 
At the end of this first step, we are able to resample the 
secondary image to the geometry of the reference one, in 
such a way that the non-glaciated areas are superposable. 
Therefore, all measurements done over the glaciers are now 
absolute: they represent the movement only, without any 
orbital and attitude residual. 
2.3 Offsets computation by correlation 
Glaciers, at least over one summer season, have proved to 
correlate quite well: their texture is adequate at the scale we 
are working (2.5m resolution), even when considering the 
fact that they partially melt in surface. However, one must be 
careful with year to year correlation: crevasses are stationary, 
and the measured displacements could be found to be almost 
null over one year! 
Glaciers surface might have moved a lot during the 
acquisition interval. Dependant of the image resolution, the 

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