Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

ıbul 2004 
>-fields & Soil 
n object- 
N and the 
mean for 
present in 
al in-field 
pe of +1 
shown in 
use types 
The mean 
| given as 
sugar beet 
he WDVI. 
and red 
ot exceed 
Figure 6). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 6. HYPERION spectral in-field variation of the main 
land use types present in the Limpach Valley test 
area, represented as percent deviation of + 1 
standard deviation from mean reflectance. 
Land Use LAT min LAI mean LALmax 
Sugar beet 2.92 3.36 3.90 
Senescing 0.03 0.09 0.15 
Table 3. In-field variation of green LAI determined from 
HYPERION data for sugar beet and senescing 
potatoes. The variation of LAI is calculated based 
on the spectral variation of the WDVI. 
It can be concluded, that in-field variations of green LAI can 
be retrieved from HYPERION spectral data, with mean values 
of LAI representing the lush green status of sugar beet and 
the almost completely senesced phenological stage of the 
potatoes cultivars. 
Two approaches were applied in this work for hyperspectral 
image classification from HYPERION data: SAM and an 
object-oriented analysis. Both methods greatly suffer from 
low spectral variations among the different agricultural land 
cover types due to the late phenological stage of the 
cultivars at the time of data take. 
With the exception of the classes maize, stubble-fields and 
intensively used grassland, the majority of agricultural 
fields could not be classified successfully by applying a 
Spectral Angle Mapper algorithm. As a consequence of the 
late phenological stages, the spectral behaviour of various 
land cover types is very similar. In addition, the small- 
spaced pattern of many fields in the area produces numerous 
mixed pixels at HYPERIONS's ground resolution of 30 m, 
which further decreases the classification accuracy. However, 
the spectral in-field variation of single fields observable by 
HYPERION bears the potential of retrieving biogeophysical 
and —chemical variations within fields, as could be 
demonstrated in the case of LAI. 
Classification results for the object-oriented classification 
method are disapointing due to several reasons: (a) low 
Spectral variation'at dataset-specific acquisition time; most 
crops are either already harvested or senesced, (b) 
classification rules for agricultural crop classes for this 
Study are mainly based on spectral features and do not imply 
. 871 
relational, textural or shape features, (c) crop fields in 
Switzerland are small in size and textural differences in 
HYPERION datasets are low due to the sensor's geometric 
resolution and (d) relations between crop types are 
inexistent and cultivation changes every season. 
eCognition's advances of implying relational, textural or 
shape features in its hierarchical classification process can 
unfortunately not be applied to this land use classification. 
Agricultural land use classification from HYPERION data is 
expected to yield better results if the dataset was acquired at 
the most promising time of year from a spectral point of 
view, i.e., during the growing season of most agricultural 
crops in June. Vitality-related crop type specific 
charcteristics have their largest impact on spectral behaviour 
at this time of year. As can be seen from the results in Figure 
3 and Figure 4, the small-spaced structure of Swiss 
agricultural fields can partionally be met by HYPERION's 
ground resolution, although mixed pixels remain a common 
problem. However, the potential of an object-oriented 
approach based on relational, textural and shape features can 
not be fully exploited in agricultural applications due to 
HYPERION's coarse spatial resolution for such techniques. 
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Processing HYPERION and ALI for Forest Classification. 
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Kneubühler, M., 2002. Spectral Assessment of Crop 
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