Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
vector f, -Q, - Q, can be calculated, which corresponds to 
the rock glacier flow between these two epochs. 
The combined system offers the possibility to introduce 
additional constraints between the object points Q, and Q;. 
Constraints controlling direction and/or length of the flow 
vector can therefore be directly integrated into the matching 
process. One implementation of such a flow constraint is 
described in Section 2.2.3. 
2.2 Modifications of the standard MPCM algorithm 
In this Section the standard MPCM algorithm (using central 
perspective images) will be adapted for direct matching in 
POPs. First, the well-known collinearity equations are replaced 
by a modified function, which describes the projection of an 
arbitrary point Q in object space into a POP (next Section). 
Furthermore, a linearized form of this function will be derived, 
which allows geometric constraints to be formulated in the same 
way as in the standard MPCM (Section 2.2.2). 
2.2.1 Modified collinearity equations 
The projection ray p; is defined by the projection center C; and a 
given object point Q. Intersecting this ray with the rough DTM 
yields the intersection point D'. This point must be projected 
into the ground plane to obtain the corresponding point P'; in 
the image POP; (see Figure 2). 
Instead of the strict, iterative DTM intersection a more coarse 
method will be used: At an approximate position (D;) on the 
rough DTM the normal vector n; is calculated, defining the 
tangential plane in this point. Intersecting the projection ray 
with this plane gives only an approximate solution, but has two 
* Direct and fast computation of the intersection point. 
* The projection of an object point into a POP can be 
given in closed formulas. 
Using this method, the calculation of the intersection point is 
À, _(P,)-C,)n; (1) 
D,-C,-A,p, with 
where p; - Q-C,... projection ray. 
The origin of the image coordinate system of the POP is located 
at position X? ^" in the object coordinate system (x-axis parallel 
to the X-axis, y-axis opposite to the Y-axis, pixel size 4X and 
AY). Then Equation (2) can be used to transform the planimetric 
X-and-Y-cootdinates of D'; into the image coordinates Xd of 
the projected point P", : 
= t€ (X - ror = x 
= (pr, X, yx eG; (2) 
; Y POP ^ 
Yo = -(p uc Ys Jay EG 
Equation (2) permits the computing of the projected point in the 
POP associated with C; from a given object point Q. This 
function thus represents the modified collinearity equation and 
will be called G; and Gj, respectively, for the x- and y- 
component of the projected point. 
In the MPCM adjustment the linearized form of (2) is needed, 
which relates small changes in the object point coordinates to a 
translation of the projected point in the POP: 
dx. = 8er at + Sc dr + ac: : dz 
er cox oY 0Z (3) 
¥ J G 3 N77 x , S 
din TEX eO. SU ou 
2 OX oY 0Z 
In order to derive the partial derivatives of functions G;* and 
G/, a linearization of Equation (1) with respect to the object 
point Q has to be done: 
dD = dA, pP; + À, : dp; = À, . dp; An) (4) 
(n, : P; ) 
where dp, =dQ =| dY |... translation of the object point. 
From Equation (4) the first and second component D'* and D'/' 
can be extracted and inserted into the linearized form of 
Equation (2). Replacing the term dp; by dQ and sorting for 
parameters dX. dY and dZ, respectively, gives the partial 
derivatives of the modified collinearity equations, listed 
explicitly in Equation (5): 
0G; c À, fx n? : s ; 06; = À 7H : p? 
9XO7 AXAC (np BY SAX n.p.) 
HE st 0 e (ME A. am 
02 ALL hap) ox. AY (n.- p.) 
SS 9G, À, nf. p! 
LN M. 
ày - AYl(n.-p.) 97 AY! (n,-p,) 
2.2.2  Epipolar constraint for POPs 
Epipolar geometry can also be used to constrain matching in 
POPs. The situation with POPs is more complex, however, 
because of the DTM involved. In general, the epipolar line in 
the POP will no longer be a straight line but a general curve. 
This can be seen by intersecting the epipolar plane with the 
rough DTM. The projection of this intersection curve into the 
ground plane yields an "epipolar curve" in the POP. The 
tangent line at a certain point on this curve therefore 
corresponds to the epipolar line of a perspective image. 

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