2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
E promising in order to analyse glaciers movements, as well as sanjosé, Lerma, 2001. La fotogrametria digital: Una
| global weather changes. herramienta idönea para el cartografiado y modelado de zonas
de alta montafia. Congreso de periglaciarismo en montaha.
Potes, pp. 185-203.
Sanjosé, 2003. Estimación de la dinámica de los glaciares
rocosos mediante modelización ambiental y técnicas
fotogramétricas automáticas. Tesis doctoral. Valencia.
Figure 6. Three-dimension sight of Argualas rock glacier.
The relationship between the weather and the movement of the
phy. geomorphological structure can be shown with the use of
predictive statistic tools. In this way, a polynomial function has
amic, been computed for each one of the targets with a accuracy of +
re 5). 4 cm.
ound. This predictive technique allowed us to estimate:
is the * The position of a control point linked a specified
campaing in the job.
e The determination of the moment in which the
structure began to take shape or the future prediction
SED in which ther will be a moment without activity.
Actually, in our case, the predictive techniques are applied on fixed
and visible predictive targets prepared to take photographs from
it. the helicopters. Following this way, in the near future, the
t and photogrammetric study can be supervised with geodetic campaigns
afler two years; the positions can be computed because of the
raphs predictive theoretical application of temporary series. Therefore, it
arrow can be summarise that ground control points are not always
needed, and it is possible to reduce the amount of money for
> care ground surveying, if and only if, statistical procedures are
an on considered and used.
nded: Actually, the techniques which have been developed in this
project have been applied in the following glaciers: rock glacier
apart of Posets (Pyrenees-Spain), rock glacier of Corral del Veleta
'an be (Sierra Nevada-Spain) and white glacier Ventorrillo in the
volcano Popocatepelt (México).
es not
more References:
ill be Fabre et al., 1995, Structure interne du glacier rocheux actif de
object las Argualas (Espagne). La Houille Blanche, pp. 144-147.
is, the Gruber, Leberl, 2000. High quality photogrammetric scanning
hough for mapping. /SPRS Journal for Photogrammetry and Remote
ber of Sensing, Amsterdam, Vol. 55, pp. 313-329.
maller Kaufmann, Ploesch, 2000. Mapping and visualization of the
on of retreat of two cirque glaciers in the Austrian Hohe Tauern
ihe National Park. International Archives of Photogrammetry and
i Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, Vol. XXXIII, pp. 446-453.
Lerma, 2002. Fotogrametría moderna: Analítica y digital.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 550 pp.
López et al, 2002. Estudio y modelado matemático para la
small ded ue aeo
ierial predicción de problemas en Ingeniería. Congreso de Nolineal,
aeri: :
lagi Cuenca.
ind of
as an Ramos et al… 2 ; frmico para el estudio de l:
d 108 et al, 2001. Método térmico para el estudio de la
n ÿ distribución del permafrost en Sierra nevada. Congreso de
, the volacinri >
1 Periglaciarismo en montaña, Potes, pp. 91-123.