Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
building facades have to be plotted, where the projection plane 
for the orthophoto can be positioned approximately parallel to 
the main plane of the facade. An additional layer of the 
orthophoto contains the z-distance of the facade points above 
the reference plane, i.e. the distance of each surface point from 
the projection plane of the orthophoto. The ZOP is a 2!4D data 
set and can, in general, provide only a simplified representation 
of a facade, as overhangs with respect to the ZOP projection 
plane cannot be modelled. It has to be explicitly mentioned that 
a ZOP is a digital product rather than a graphical representation 
like a conventional orthophoto. It is actually a digital surface 
model of the facade draped with the image of the facade. 
Therefore, the ZOP can be used, in a similar way with similar 
tools as for DTMs, for creating virtual perspective views, 
calculating profiles across the facade in any direction, showing 
visualisation via a 3D viewer, and last but not least, generating 
true orthophotos. The latter term is justified as very small 
details can be modelled due to the high resolution of the laser 
scanner. If the pictures are taken from the scanning direction the 
problem of multiple mapping, which could only be avoided by 
strict visibility analysis, does not appear, although occluded 
areas are likely to exist. Fig.3 shows a part of a true orthophoto 
mosaic derived from a ZOP and a series of original oblique 
images taken from a mobile city scanner. The ZOP may serve as 
a valuable product for archaeologist, architects, etc., who do not 
have photogrammetric expertise nor an appropriate workstation. 
They can use a standard CAD program like AUTOCAD for 
visualisation, measurement and even simple reconstruction. 
Fig.3: True orthophoto and examples of original images 
For more sophisticated object reconstruction the laser point 
clouds together with the images have to bé analysed. Due to the 
huge amount of data to be processed within one project 
automated methods are required. Many research activities have 
been started worldwide. The above mention LS&RS conducts 
several projects which make use of the combination of laser 
Scanning and photography for detailled object reconstruction. 
The focus is on the development of interactive semi-automatic 
methods rather than fully automated procedures. 
3.1 The CityGrid Scanner 
The CityGrid Scanner (CGS) by NoLimits is a mobile universal 
multisensor platform consisting of a 3D Scanner, several high 
resolution digital cameras and a GPS receiver. Its main area of 
application is the fast and efficient acquisition of building 
facades along roads and the 3D city environment of local areas 
of special interest. The GCS may be operated in basically four 
- Dynamic Mode (DYMode) 
— Dynamic Stop Mode (DSMode) 
— Stop & Go Mode (SGMode) 
— Street Scene Mode (SSMode) 
While the main acquisition device in DYMode and DSMode are 
the digital cameras, in SGMode and SSMode the laser scanner 
comes into action. Fig.4 demonstrates the principle of the 
different modes as ground sections of coverage plots. 
Fig.4: CityGrid Acquisition Modes (Left: Camera/Scanner 
Modes; Right: Pure Scanner Modes) 
The dynamic modes are used for quick building acquisition 
with the main intention to generate facade image mosaics. The 
vehicle may constantly move along the street and photo shots of 
the facade are triggered at certain distance intervals so that a 
sufficient overlap of information is guaranteed. The orientation 
of the pictures is based on a line matching process between 
images, which can run semi-automatically. In order to keep 
acquisition time as short as possible, laser scanning may be 
reduced to horizontal profile scanning only, thus delivering a 
longitudinal profile of the building block. The profiles serve as 
aid for orientation as they may be treated as approximate 
ground section of the building blocks. Satellite based 
navigation systems are not suited for reliable use as especially 
in old towns with their narrow streets the GPS signal cannot be 
received most of the time. 
The orientation approach of the images has been developed by 
NoLimits in co-operation with the K-plus Research Centre 
VRVIS (Vienna, Graz) and uses horizontal and vertical edges 
and vanishing points. Great overlap of the individual images is 
a prerequisite (see lower image of Fig.3) (Karner et al., 2003). 
In order to stabilise the geometry of a pure photo block (in 
particular when surveying long facades in DYMode) and to 
provide reliable control information at corners of building 
blocks, where one photo series ends and another commences 
possibly in another direction, 3D laser scans are taken. The 
DSMode needs stops of the vehicle now and then. If the 3D 
structure of the entire facade mosaic is requested, the stops must 
be positioned so that the laser clouds overlap, too. This mode is 
SGMode and may be combined with the DSMode-specific 
acquisition so that both a complete overlap photo block and an 
overlaping laser cloud can obtained. This later mode has to be 
used, for instance, if ZOPs are to be created (see Fig.3). 
Eventually the SSMode is intended for the acquisition of a 
complete street scene, where hemispherical laser scans are 

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