Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
There were some different methods in gathering the reference 
spectra and these methods were tested and their results were 
compared. First, the reference spectrum was chosen from the 
reflectance of individual and exactly specified image pixels. 
Next, the reference spectrum was calculated from pixels of the 
training sites. Average, median and mode methods were used to 
calculate the reference spectrum. 
2.1 Classification algorithms 
2.1.1 Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM): Reflectance 
spectrum of individual pixel may be discussed as an n- 
dimensional vector, where n is the number of image channels. 
Each vector has certain length and direction. The length of the 
vector represents brightness of the target while the direction 
represent spectral feature of the target. Variation in illumination 
mainly effects changes in the length of the vector. Therefore, 
classification is based on the direction of the vector. (Kruse et 
al., 1993) 
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Figure 1. The spectral angle between material A and B in two 
channels case (Kruce et al., 1993). 
Classification is done by comparing the spectral angles (Figure 
1) between the reflectance spectrum of the classified pixel and 
the reference spectra obtained from training data or spectral 
libraries. Each pixel will be assigned to the class according to 
the lowest spectral angle value. 
2.1.2 Spectral Correlation Mapper (SCM): SAM cannot 
distinguish between negative and positive correlations because 
only the absolute value is considered. SCM is generated as an 
improvement on the SAM. SCM algorithm is very similar to 
SAM. The difference between the algorithms is that SCM 
standardizes the vectors of the reflectance spectrum before it 
calculates the spectral angles. (Carvalho and Meneses, 2000) 
2.1.3 Spectral Unmixing: An area assigned by a single 
pixel of remote sensing image usually contains a lot of different 
materials. These materials are mixed together and the pixel 
reflectance observed by sensors is a combination of reflectance 
of individual materials. To get more information from a single 
pixel the proportions of these materials can be approximated 
using a spectral mixing model (Boardman, 1994). Using 
Spectral Unmixing model the mixed pixel can be reconstructed 
from known spectra in the image or the mixed pixel can be 
divided into components. 
2.2 Test site and field measurements 
Aerial measurements with an AISA airborne imaging 
spectrometer were made at Lammi in southern Finland. The 
area contains mainly lakes, rural areas, cultivated fields and 
coniferous and deciduous forests. Size of the test area was about 
50 kilometres long and 2 kilometres wide. 
Geological Survey of Finland had done fieldworks in 1999 and 
2000. Training area inventory included approximately 250 
training areas. For example, the primary sources of reflection, 
the vegetation and the soil class were specified in field 
2.3 AISA hyperspectral data 
AISA data was acquired from an aeroplane on September 1999. 
Six strips were flown and raw data was gathered to the actual 
hyperspectrum image and geometric correction was performed. 
Finnish Forest Research Institute preprocessed the data. 
Figure 2. A part of the AISA image (Ruohomiki at al., 2002). 
The pixel size of the image was 1.1 meter. Image contained 17 
visible and near infrared channels. The weather took a turn for 
the worse during the flight and the illumination was low in last 
strips (Figure 2). 
2.4 Gathering the reference spectra 
Classification algorithms like SAM use reflectance spectra as 
reference data of classes. Reference spectra are measured from 
pure and single image pixels or larger training areas. The 
quality of reference spectra is an important factor that defines 
the classification results. Therefore, different methods were 
used in gathering the reference spectra. Besides reflectance 
spectra of different plants were examined and compared under 
varying illumination to describe how different classes may be 
Well-known pure pixels of hyperspectral image were used 
directly as reference spectra. In that case, the reflectance of the 
pixel must be derived only from material that is defined by the 
pixel. If there is variation in reflectance features inside one 
class, more reflectance spectra will be needed. 
Several methods were used to calculate reference spectra from 
the training areas in this study. At first, average values of pixel 
values were calculated for every 17 channels. By choosing 
median of pixel values was the second method to determine 
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