Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
The data intergrated for the creation of this 
cartographic background of the Municipality of X 
Thessaloniki were two images taken by the 
IKONOS-2 satellite (in UTM projection, zone 34, 
ellipsoid WGS84, geodetic datum WGSS84) in 
March 2000 showing the greater area of 
Thessaloniki and a topographic map of the same where 
area, scale 1:8000, obtained from the Municipality's 
urban planning office. The two images were: 
ag va X v u;Y (1) 
b, b X tb.Y 
x, y 7 GCP'S coordinates (TM87) 
X,Y = GCP’S coordinates (UTM) 
a; , bj 1=0,1,2 transformation parameters 
. A panchromatic image with a resolution of A : : 7 : d 
| meter( Fig. 1) * Geometric correction of each image, through a 2" 
: : ; « s y 7 © » ^ c 
. A multispectral image with a resolution of degree polynomial model. The total root mean 
square of the reduction was RMS = 0.6629m for the 
panchromatic image and RMS = 1.3404m for the 
multispectral. Resampling for both images was 
attained with the bicubic method. The equations of 
the transformation used are: 
4 meters ( Fig. 2) 
x=a,+a,X+a,Y +a, X’ +a, XY+a.Y’ 2) 
y=b, +b, X+b,Y +b, X* +b, XY +b.Y’ 
where x,y = GCP’S image coordinates (TM87) 
X,Y = GCP’S image coordinates (UTM) 
a; , b; 1=0,1,..,5 transformation parameters 
= Registration of the multispectral image in the 
panchromatic image with the help of a 2" degree 
polynomial model and 22 control points. The 
registration presented a total root means square of 
0.8376 m (RMS = 0.8376 m). Also there was a 
histogram matching of the multispectral’s histogram 
to the panchromatic’s histogram, in the first 
occasion, so that the two images would present the 
same radiometry, while in the second occasion there 
was no histogram matching between the two 
images. Finally, the exact same geographic region 
was cut off the two images, at the borders of the 
municipality. Hereafter, the merging of the two 
images — with — the principal components 
transformation (PCT) was applied. The result was 
the creation of two synthetic images. 
Pu | The synthetic image in the first occasion where 
histogram matching between the two images was 
Figure 2. IKONOS MS (4m) attained is the following (fig.3). 
2.2 Methodology 
2.2.1 Creating the synthetic images: The specific 
application through the process of the above data 
was completed in two stages. The first stage 
regarded to the preparation of the two satellite 
images, which would compose the image that 
constituted the  cartographic background. The 
complete procedure is described in Bussios N., 
Tsolakidis Y., 2003. The creation of the synthetic 
image included: 
* Mensurations of 34 ground control points 
(GCP'S), with good allocation in the Municipality 
of Thessaloniki with G.P.S.. The geometric model 
used for the transformation of the points from 
WGS84 to EGSAS87, was a general affine 
transformation with 6 parameters. The equations of 
the affine transformation are the following: 
Figure 3. Synthetic image |.Municipality of 

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