Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
Rather high spatial resolution map of the reference LAI surface 
” was rescaled to 1km cell size to compare with the 1km MODIS 
LAI map. Figure 4 compares the MODIS LAI and the reference 
LAI maps for the whole study area of 28 x 38km. It appears 
that the MODIS LAI estimates are higher than the reference 
LAI surface. From our fieldwork and experience, the LAI over 
the study area showed little variation, at least within the forest. 
The MODIS LAI map shows highly variable spatial pattern of 
Figure 4. Comparison between the MODIS LAI (left) and 
the reference LAI (right) maps. 
Table 2. Simple statistics of MODIS LAI and reference LAI 
Fact Class Reference MODIS 
Beno = Mean | Std. | Mean Std. 
Land Whole area 3.26 0.24 3.52 1.81 
an Forest ans [624] 374 [176 
cover Grass 
: | 53 
type & Cropland 3.10 0.17 2.30 LS 
RT model 327 0.24 3.40 ].77 
Model: | Emprcd | 315 Lael sof om 
-C D : 3. 67 
Cloud Non-cloud 3.25 0.22 41 1.6 
Cloud 3.20 0.28 3.81 2.10 
The mean LAI value of the MODIS product is about 0.38 
higher than the reference map (Table 2). Although the mean 
LAI values of whole study area are similar between MODIS 
LAI and reference LAI, the spatial variation and pattern of the 
LAI values are quite different between two maps. When the 
two LAI maps are compared by vegetation type, the MODIS 
LAI values were larger than the reference value in forest. On 
the other hands, grass and cropland showed the under- 
estimation in which the MODIS LAI value was lower than 
reference LAI value. 
The discrepancy between the MODIS LAI and the reference 
LAI could be explained by several factors that were the 
accuracy of the input datasets, estimating algorithms and land 
cover types. Since the MODIS LAI values are estimated by the 
seven cover types of different biomes, it is worthwhile to 
examine the MODIS land cover map used for the production of 
the MODIS LAI. Figure 5 compares the MODIS land cover 
product and the reference land cover map. The classification 
accuracy of the MODIS land cover product is 44.72% as 
assessed by the reference land cover map (Table 3). 
The study area includes large forest areca. The MODIS land 
cover product didn’t show well the small water-body, 
needleleaf forest, and urban. It was obvious that some portion 
of forests were misclassified into grass and cropland on the 
MODIS land cover product. Water-body was misclassified to 
needleforest and the urban area was misclassified into grass and 
cropland. These misclassifications were caused by low spatial 
resolution of MODIS land cover product and might be the 
causes of the difference between two LAI maps. 
ol . = Le 
A Les 
a-a 42 
br. "= 
Shrub B Savannah 
Needleleaf forest 
? Urban 
Grass &Crop 
Broadleaf forest EH 
Figure 5. Land cover map of the MODIS product (left) and 
the reference data (b) 
Another factors influenced on the MODIS LAI estimation were 
the cloud effect. Although the MODIS LAI product is based on 
the eight-day maximum value composite to remove/reduce the 
Table 3. Classification accuracy of the MODIS land cover assessed by the ETM+ classification (Overall accuracy = 44.72% ) 
Reference MODIS Water Ga AR Shrubs Savannah Brod Ned Urban Total 
Water 0 4 0 0 6 4 0 14 
Grasses & Crop 0 71 0 2 16 16 0 105 
Shrubs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
Savannah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
Broadleaf forest 0 311 2 0 438 85 2 838 
Needleleaf forest 0 98 0 I 60 36 0 195 
Urban 0 53 2 14 4 5 78 
Total 0 537 4 3 534 145 7 1230 

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