International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004
of values that topographically characterize classes of interest.
Selection of class topographical signatures is aimed just the same
as selection of class spectral signatures; however, selection of
topographical signatures is rather different than selection of
spectral signatures because, they cannot be collected via visual
interpretation. Topographical samples are gathered by selecting
the elevation and slope pixels that spatially correspond to nimage
pixels satisfying the ranges of values characterizing the spectral
signatures. The reason for using the pixels satisfying the minimum
and maximum ranges for spectral signatures instead of the original
spectral training set was the need for collecting unbiased samples
that better represent the topographical distribution.
Frequency histogram is a valuable supplement in defining
elevation or slope ranges where classes were most likely to occur.
Data ranges representing class topographical signatures were
determined with the help of histogram graphics. Histograms were
truncated by removing the observations at the two tails of the
histogram so as to exclude deviated region of the distribution
profile. By this way, minimum and maximum ranges for
topographical attributes associated with four classes were
statistically refined. Box plot of the elevation (Figure 3) and slope
(Figure 4) point up the different ranges of elevation and slope that
characterize the land cover classes.
Fourth phase: Redefinition or adjustment of training sets in this
phase is critical. The effect of ancillary topographical parameters
on classification accuracy is tested by means of two products; one
is derived from spectral data and the other from both spectral and
the topographical data. This is accomplished by classifying the
multispectral image data by training set involving class spectral
signatures only, to yield Product 1 (Pl) and; classifying
multispectral image data and topographical data by means of
training set involving both class spectral and topographical
signatures to yield Product 2 (P2). Also a third product is
generated (P3) to represent a conventional logical channel
approach where multispectral data and topographical data are
classified by means of training set involving class spectral
signatures only.
Two training sets were generated to satisfy the afore mentioned
criteria; Training Set 1 (T1); involving class spectral signatures
only and Training Set 2 (T2); involving both class spectral and
class topographical signatures.
The question is “is it possible to manually select training samples
that would also represent topographical signatures, without
deforming the class spectral signatures?” Answer to this question
is possibly no, because collecting samples that can satisfy
topographical signatures and do not change the characteristics of
spectral signatures is manually impractical. Therefore an
automated selection procedure was adopted.
In order to implement automated selection, all of the samples were
transferred to a database table and two queries one of which is for
T1 and other for T2 were performed with respect to minimum and
maximum ranges previously defined both for spectral and
topographical signatures. This yielded two training sets TI and T2
with class spectral statistics, mean and variance almost identical
where; T2 represents topographical signatures as well. I f this was
not achieved, it would be hard to state that the difference in
between Product 1 and Product 2 is due to topographical effect.
1400 +— : c: AA
1300 4
d cT
i sab
1000 4 -
uj 900
| Agriculture Range-shrub Range-herb Forest
Figure 3: Box plot of elevation signatures data range
40 4
Ss A |
Agriculture Range-shrub Range-herb Forest
Slope (degrees)
Figure 4: Box plot of slope signatures data range
Fifth phase: Maximum likelihood classification is performed to
yield P1 (Figure 5), which is the result of classification of spectral
data by means of Training 1 (Training set for spectral data only),
second to yield P2 (Figure 6), which is the result of classification
of both spectral and topographical data by means of Training 2
(Training set for spectral and topographical data) and to yield P3,
which is the result of classification of spectral data and additional
topographical data by means of Training 1.
Accuracy Assessment
A certain amount of difference is identified between the products.
However to understand the precise amount of disparity between
the products, and their association with the real world; accuracy
assessment of the products are needed.
Error matrix is an effective way to represent the accuracy of
classification; it provides both inclusion (commission error) and
exclusion (omission error) for each class. Products were tested
with the ground truth. Table 2 is the error matrix for Product 1,
Table 3 is the error matrix for Product 2 and Table 4 is the error
matrix for Product 3.
Product 2 accomplishes overall accuracy of 73.6%; 10% greater
than Product 1. The improvement can be observed in each single
class. Product 3 provides slight amount of improvement in
accuracy compared to Product 1.