Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

! 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
: Tg hitpj//localhost/viewl.svg - Microsoft Internet Cxplorer IU NNUS ex + + 
Map et on fan on t 5. REFERENCES 
(Sa xr ilg Sexe 5 cFawmer qiNMea 01000 70. d 
pires [ES rto-/irentos nent o ; n" gd Ge we € - . = ; 
pi : on RE Kim, K..S Lee, K.W, 1998 “The Development of Web-based 
the geographic information system”, Pascolo, P. Brebbia, C.A, ed. 
d for GIS Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, WIT 
Press, UK 
Montgomery, G.E. , Schuch, H.C , 1993. GIS data Conversion 
Handbook, GIS World, Inc, Fort Collins. 
or all Adobe.com, 2004. "What is SVG?”, http://www.adobe.com/svg 
kers. (accessed May 2004) 
PHP.net, 2004, “What is PHP”, http://www.php.net, (accessed 
a ma May 2004) 
hase TR 
port Figure 9. SVG Based Weather Map Saseendran S. A., Harenduprakash L., Rathore L. S. and Singh 
S. V, 2003." A GIS application for weather analysis and 
igure Moreover, following results are reached as a conclusion of forecasting”, 
project; http://www.gisdevelopment.net/application/miscellaneous/misc 
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e SVG format is capable for producing and publishing ; : 
real-time maps on the web, Sznaider, R." Real-Time International Weather Data in GIS 
ds e Real-time information can be collected, processed and F ormats", : SM 
ies presented easily by the help of web-technologies, ittp/is esri comlibrery/usercent/proc O0 professional/papers/ 
z e  Web-technologies makes the system flexible, PAPS33Q/p334 htm (accessed May 2004) 
3 therefore system can be converted to monitoring te 5n : ; 
| another M d events which demands on Madlapüdis S. 2003. Development of Werther Processing 
| time monitoring like earthquakes or pollution, System — by Integrating Weather Data Into GIS”, 
A e Open sourced software is necessary for development http://Www.gisdevelopment.net/application/environment/climat 
ET : e/ma03190abs.htm (accessed May 2004) 
of web-mapping. 
Integrating real-time weather information into a web-based GIS 
system can provide decision-makers with the best weather 
information in the shortest time. Therefore, decision-makers get 
prepared to make better and faster decisions which can reduce 
A the damage of the natural events and minimize the loss. 
System designed in this study can easily be expanded and 
integrated to other systems because of its structure and 
flexibility. It can easily be transformed into other systems 
xi which has different purpose. For example; system designed in 
| this study can easily be transformed to an earthquake 
| monitoring system by making minor modifications to its 
ss database management system. These features make web-based 
GIS applications as incredible developments of open sourced 
web tools provide web based applications. 

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